[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 75 and 76)

Mar 20, 2013 01:20

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 75 and 76)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 75

After the last exam, Baekhyun stands outside the classroom, stretching his back. He turns around just in time to see Sehun leaving the other classroom and assesses how the younger boy looks, asking: “How did it go?”

“It went okay, I think.” Sehun shrugs his shoulders. “To be honest, Baekhyun hyung, it was easier than I thought.”

“Can you be any more arrogant, you little punk?” Baekhyun pushes Sehun’s shoulder, laughing. “Okay, fine. Go and find your Luhan hyung. I’ll look for Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Jongin and we can meet up for a celebratory dinner or something.”

Sehun nods and runs off, a spring in his step. Watching at his retreating back, Baekhyun remembers suddenly that Sehun is just a kid who’s still supposed to be a freshman and not someone his own age.

Jongin, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were assigned to a different exam venue. Baekhyun glances at his phone, about to call them, but his phone rings and it’s Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, how did it go? Did you do okay?” Baekhyun teases as soon as he answers. The taller boy answers hurriedly: “I think I did fine. But the problem is Jongin…”

He doesn’t finish his sentence.


As Baekhyun fidgets nervously at the fried chicken restaurant, he sees Chanyeol and Kyungsoo arriving from afar as they shuffle Jongin along between them.

Jongin is expressionless.

But Baekhyun knows that this is his worst expression. As he approaches them, he notices that the rims of the younger boy’s eyes are slightly red - just a little red, not really that obvious unless one looks more closely.

He recalls that one time after class when the results of a mock exam were released. Jongin had the same expression then, wanting to cry but not allowing himself to cry in front of Baekhyun, hence stubbornly holding his tears back to the point that the rims of his eyes turns red.

“Jongin?” He asks tentatively, feeling his heart sink but still not getting any form of response.

Jongin sits beside Baekhyun slowly, back straight and stiff but head down. When Baekhyun bends his waist and look sideways, Jongin glances quickly at him and looks away.

Because Jongin’s pupils are quite large and very black, he seems very focused when he’s looking at someone. A similar look would seem different from the rest when Jongin’s the one doing it. This is especially true when he smiles, eyes communicating deep emotions.

From that one glance, Baekhyun’s heart trembles and he is rendered speechless.

He raises his hand and gently places it on Jongin’s shoulder, squeezing slowly.

Jongin doesn’t move.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sit across them, looking worriedly at Jongin. When Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s eyes meet, the former mouths: “What do we do?”

Baekhyun smiles bitterly.

What do we do? I wish I knew.

He knows without even having to ask. Jongin must have bombed his last subject - Chemistry.

Actually, Jongin’s Physics has always been their major headache. On the contrary, he was doing very well in Chemistry. A couple of weeks back, Jongin’s grade was almost at par with Kyungsoo.

So it’s unexpected that Jongin would do poorly in Chemistry instead of in Physics.

Kyungsoo is the first one to speak, unable to take the tense atmosphere any longer. He tries to ask Jongin: “Not that I want to make things worse… But how badly did you do?”

Chanyeol gives Kyungsoo a well-deserved kick under the table.

Jongin looks up and answers after a pause: “I don’t know. I just know I didn’t do well.”

Kyungsoo wants to say ‘Not doing well does not mean you failed!’ but he shuts his mouth when Baekhyun gives him a warning look.

“Hmm… I think we should go now. Talk to you later, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol pulls Kyungsoo’s arm so they can leave. The latter still wants to talk but with Chanyeol’s force, he can only allow himself to be dragged out of the restaurant.

Jongin relaxes his back slightly after confirming that the two have left. Moments later, his back slowly collapses as he turns to bury his face near Baekhyun’s neck, not moving.

After a few seconds, that spot on Baekhyun’s neck start to feel warm and wet.

Kim Jongin who has been trying his best to hold the tears in front of Chanyeol and Kyungsoo finally lets his tears fall on Baekhyun’s shoulder.

This is the first time that Baekhyun has seen, or more appropriately, felt Jongin’s tears. The dancer has his face buried stubbornly on Baekhyun’s shoulder, crying soundlessly as his body trembles, but still refusing to let the person he loves see his tears.

Shaking slightly, the hands placed on the seat are balled tightly into fists, knuckles turning white.

A wave of bitterness and agony takes over Baekhyun’s heart, so strong and unexpected that he can’t even utter a single word due to being in too much pain.

He looks silently at this young boy who’s barely eighteen, the frail line of his spine and the back of his neck held stiffly from the ends of his dark hair to inside his collar. Baekhyun raises his hand to touch, but hesitates mid-air.

Willing his finger one by one, Baekhyun forces himself to place his hand on the back of Jongin’s head, touching gently.

He runs his fingers through Jongin’s dark hair and coarse hair, just like this boy’s personality. Although he looks dazed and subdued, he has a sense of perseverance that’s difficult to sway, firm in his stand to the point of becoming too stubborn.

This boy has only been stubborn a few times in all eighteen years of his life and majority of those times was because of Baekhyun, stubbornly falling in love with him, stubbornly courting him, stubbornly not wanting to let go of him and stubbornly skipping a grade because of him.

Byun Baekhyun, you’re the sinner.

He raises his head wordlessly as a tear escapes from the corner of his eye, trailing down his neck and falling onto the younger boy’s dark hair.

Chapter 76

Baekhyun calls his parents and apologizes, saying: “I have a celebratory dinner tonight so I won’t be able to come home”. He hangs up and brings Jongin back to his house.

Jongin’s mom opens the door.

Probably Chanyeol has called Sehun who then called Jongin’s mom, so when she opens the door to them, she doesn’t look surprised. She pats Baekhyun’s cheek with a smile and glances at Jongin who has his head down.

Like she’s requesting Baekhyun to help take care of him…

Baekhyun smiles apologetically and bows to Jongin’s dad in the living room. After that, he takes Jongin up to his room.

There’s no track of tears on Jongin’s face but the rims of his eyes are still a little red and puffy. When Baekhyun closes the door, Jongin drops on his bed, closing his eyes.

Baekhyun stands by the door watching Jongin, feet rooted on the ground.

He’s not sure what he’s feeling right now because everything is too complex and muddled together, making it hard for him to think.

He is unable to walk towards this boy who has studied his butt off for nine months, and comfort him with a hug and a smile saying: ‘Hey, you already did your best. Whatever the outcome is, you gave it your best shot.’

He clearly knows that all of Jongin’s hard work is for one outcome.

And he is also wishing for that outcome.

They both know how difficult this journey has been, but it’s not reason enough to convince them not to be sad about the whole thing. Quite the contrary, it is exactly because of how the difficult the journey has been that they both hope for that perfect outcome.

His back is leaning against the cool wall. He’s wearing a light shirt because of the summer season. The coldness seeps into his skin, into his every vein. He balls his hands into fists, still not saying a word.

The two of them stay in their positions, unmoving, until Jongin finally sits up on his bed.

He looks at Baekhyun by the wall, his dark eyes focusing entirely on him. The more Jongin stares at him, the more Baekhyun feels helpless.

It’s actually very rare that Baekhyun is this helpless in front of this kind of Jongin.

Jongin just quietly fixes his gaze on Baekhyun. Their eyes meet, but no one speaks, like they’re stubbornly waiting to see who would be the first one to break the silence.

“Jongin…” Baekhyun gives in. He has never thought that Jongin’s eyes could make him feel so pressured. It’s not a threatening look but one that’s full of uncertainty and confusion, like that of an innocent child, making him feel uncertain too.

Hands clutching the soft bed sheet, he stares blankly at Baekhyun. The moment he hears the older boy say his name, he speaks up.


Not Baekhyun hyung, just Baekhyun. This is the first time that Jongin has called him by his name alone. And there’s no feeling of remorse when he says it.

“Baekhyun, can you tell me what I should do?”

There’s no response. To be honest, Baekhyun doesn’t know how to respond to that because he also doesn’t know what to do. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.

“Baekhyun, I love you.”

When Jongin says this decidedly, he stares intently into Baekhyun’s eyes, as if he has something to prove. Actually, he succeeds. He sees what the older boy feel from his clear and flawless eyes.

“I know…” Baekhyun responds slowly.

Jongin looks into his eyes. What he has said out of impulse doesn’t seem fit at the time and place, but it’s like he needs a confirmation for some reason, like a drowning person grasping at his last chance of survival.

“I love you too.” After moments of silence, Baekhyun finally continues. “And not in any way less than you love me. But Jongin, if I had known it would turn out like this, I’d rather choose to stay behind and repeat a year.”

Jongin’s sentimental eyes blink a few times, slightly glistening. Baekhyun suddenly feels his throat constrict. “Then maybe… you wouldn’t have to suffer. And we won’t…”

Jongin panics when he sees Baekhyun’s tears. Standing from the bed, he runs over to Baekhyun’s side, face turning pale. “Baekhyun hyung, what I never want to see is you blaming yourself. I was the one who chose this path, whatever the outcome may be.”

“But you did it for me.” Baekhyun interrupts. “It’s because of me that you chose this path much more difficult than your peers’. And I chose not to stop you. Now that I think about it, maybe even if I had known this would be the outcome, I still wouldn’t stop you.”

The two find themselves calming down as they face each other.

“Before the results are released, let’s just keep on hoping, okay?” Baekhyun looks at Jongin. “At least, if you ask me what you should do, my only answer to you would be to wait.”

“Although things might not be as good as what we hope, but maybe it won’t be as bad as we think too.”



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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