Katrina aftermath, and helping out a displaced friend...

Sep 15, 2005 23:01

My friend in Gulf Port, MS got rather hosed by Katrina. He worked at the hotel/ casino stuff- you may have seen you know, ships parked on those hotels on the news. Apparently, while unable to work and unemployed and still you know, having bills that need paid... he did not get screwed enough to qualify for any assistance from FEMA. His apartment is still standing, there just is no work, and no money for him to live off of. Many of us kids in our 20s aren't exactly known for socking away emergency "OMG A HURRICANE MAY HIT AND RENDER MY LIFE BROKEN FOR THREE TO SIX MONTHS"

In fact, its looking like he may only have the benefit of the renter's insurance on his apartment. Which replaces things like, his tv and the food in his fridge.. his company is planning to put him back to work, when everything comes back together for them and they rebuild and whatnot... outside of which, there isn't exactly a ton of available jobs at the moment. It's not like any members of his family are in a position much greater than his, and available to help him at the moment either.

As he said, "...basically i've decided that if i want work, i need to relocate temporarily. meaning, possibly go somewhere a friend/friends live and try to stay with them, temporarily, and find some kind of work so i can make some extra cash... "

Recall, prior to my entering the hospital, when I said as soon as I'm somewhat coherent.. I'll be putting my proverbial money where my mouth is... well here goes: I did something I that most would realize is not out of the question for me- I told him he should come to Omaha for a bit. We have a low unemployment rate, a relatively low cost of living.. you get the idea.

The question here is.. how do I afford to get him here?
and suggestions on how to help him out once I do?
A plane ticket appears to run at least $340
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