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Dec 30, 2012 23:49

Saw The Hobbit for the second time today. It really is a fantastic movie. People going into it expecting the same level of epic-ness as the LOTR trilogy will be disappointed, but it has it's own special smaller epic-ness all the same. XD I'm not going to say that it's not without some flaws, but it's still wonderful.

So yeah, The Hobbit coupled with my annual LOTR Christmas marathon (this was my second year XD) has pulled me into LOTR fandom nostalgia in a HUGE way. Which is not really surprising, of course. XD Man, it still feels unreal that the original trilogy came out so long ago. One of the many things that's really making me feel my age lately, and I'm not even that old! XD

In other news, I'm trying to figure out what to do for New Year's Eve. Theoretically there's a 'party' I could go to (though I technically wasn't invited anyway) but that's not really an option. I won't know 95% of the people there, and the people I DO know will socialize with the people I don't know and I will feel stupid and awkward and bored and that is just WAY too much social anxiety stress to willingly put myself through. (Though if asked, there are people I'm sure would say I'm just being unreasonable or contrary. Because social anxiety disorder is not a real thing. -_-)

The past few years I've just been having some kind of movie marathon or such, coupled with watching the Times Square coverage of the ball dropping. So I guess I just need to decide what to watch. It makes me feel sad, though. I've always felt New Year's Eve should be more special than that.
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