(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 21:44

Holy crap, batman, it's a real journal entry! XD

Augh, it's been so long I don't even know where to start. Clearly I'm not going to be able to cover everything in one entry, especially since one of the reasons I've been avoiding this is because I've been so busy. -_-

I guess I should start with the most serious thing. My father has lung cancer. This is... terrifying. Naturally. Perhaps most upsetting of all, though, is that he is so far away, with no family there at all. It drives me absolutely crazy and I can't stop thinking about it, the fact that he's going through this alone. At least they caught it very early, so the prognosis is good. He didn't even have symptoms. They happened to see suspicious spots on his lung when he had an MRI for his hip. He started chemo at home in Labrador and now he's in St. John's for more chemo and radiation treatments. He said that other than feeling tired and run down, he's doing okay. I don't know that he'd tell me otherwise, though, since it's not like I'd know any different, being so far away. -_- It has made me think, though, about how most people take for granted that if they are sick, they can get treatment where they are. But the hospital in Labrador is not equipped for radiation treatments. So not only is there no family for him there, but he had to travel away from home and he doesn't even have his friends.

This whole thing also has me thinking a lot about Dear Jack, the documentary about Andrew MacMahon of Jack's Mannequin's experience under-going cancer treatment. I watched it not that long ago, and it has me all the more upset, thinking about my dad going through all of that alone. I feel so helpless about it.

Okay, that's out of the way. Let's see... in the past, I have generally had one or two main fandoms that occupy me at any one time, with of course dabbling in many others. Lately... I have been into so many different fandoms, with most of them holding a great deal of interest for me. It's exhausting. XD Everything from continuing in bandom, to dipping into things I was into a long time ago, to many, many other varying things. And jeez, I thought Jonas Brothers fandom was embarrassing... try skating RPS. XD And if I didn't have enough things occupying my time, I have dove headlong back into anime. It has really felt like coming home. XD I missed it so much. *_* And anyone else into anime knows just how much of it there is. -_- It's overwhelming. And of course, not only do I want to re-watch tons of stuff that I've already seen, there's also so much new stuff I want to watch, too. XD. And manga to read, too, of course. One of the big ones I've dived right back into is Naruto, which is still ongoing, so I've been re-watching till I caught up and am now watching stuff I haven't seen before, and I've marathon-read the manga until I got caught up to what's been realeased. And holy crap, is it ever all epic and emotionally traumatizing! >_< LOL, I can't even wrap my mind around it. And fuck, a lot of anime/manga series are like that. Which makes me ask why the hell I do this to myself, but I guess I'm just a masochist when it comes to such things. *sigh* I have always been way too emotionally invested in fictional things, and I don't think that's going to change anytime, soon.

Eh, I think that's enough for now. I'm going to try to get back into the habit of posting more regularly, I swear. XD
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