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OOC deathangeljohn October 29 2008, 10:05:56 UTC
Aww, this is beautifully written! :) Sad though. My John muse really feels for her.


Re: OOC amanda_young October 29 2008, 10:10:08 UTC
She kills me. Really, she does. She IS so emotional, but she was watching the scene in 3 where Bitchy McCuntPants tells her John can't hear her and doesn't even know she's there and she freaks and John sends her out and he says "Her emotion is also her... weakness".

She asked other!John in IM RP if that was still true and he said she is still emotional and off she went to the bathroom telling both him and Doug that "I'm Fine" and she was very VERY far from fine, so I knew if it didn't get explored it was going to drive me nuts.


Re: OOC deathangeljohn October 29 2008, 10:16:10 UTC
I do love her though. And so does my John, and I'm sure Zep and Gideon do too. Emotional-ness and all - she's just so real to me now.

Bitchy McCuntPants? I love it! *giggles* That even made my John smile! Boo to Lynn and Jill!

John is driving me up the wall lately. He is going to so deserve the spanking he'll get in the fic I'm currently writing!


Re: OOC amanda_young October 29 2008, 10:22:21 UTC
I love her too, even when she drives me nuts.

*snerks* That's one of my general nicknames for people I really don't like. And Lynn pisses me off in the part OH so much. It's well known that people in comas DO hear people, and DO know they're there. Plus, it was SUCH a tender moment and she was just being a twatcicle about it. Like, intentionally pushing Amanda. And that makes me extra growly.

*laughs* He needs Amanda time. And as soon as I get my insulin started, I'm sure I'll be around a lot more. My health, unfortunately, has to come first. I'm doing a lot of IM stuff right now, instead of threading. ugh.


Re: OOC deathangeljohn October 29 2008, 10:32:28 UTC
Oh, absolutely I believe John knew Amanda was there! Lynn and Jill are both twatcicles IMO. Trout slaps for both!

And yes, of course, health has to come first. *sends you love and hugs* Though John will appreciate Amanda time when you are able to play with him... hopefully I will have the fic done in a couple of days (would have been done sooner if not for work wearing me out!) and I hope that will make you smile!

I should be on IM more, definitely. Tiredness and my weird concentration lapses have kept me off for a bit, but I do want to chat with you more! <3


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