Aug 23, 2006 14:43
thanks to everyone for coming to my party!!!! (almost) everyone i love was able to come and i was sooo happy. i had a lot of fun and i love all of you. i'm buying thank you cards today, so they'll be going out eventually.
today and tomorrow left at home. i leave friday morning! geez. college. yay!
my new roommate is a big valley girl from LA. but she's in the marching band and seems awesome. so no qualms here yet.
so. brendan and i aren't dating anymore, we're just kinda... together? i don't know. it's weird, but that's the way i like it. yesterday i had him over to my house and i grilled dinner for us. then we picnicked in the backyard and laid around in the park. we got some blizzards and rocked out in the dairy queen parking lot cuz we're cool like that.
i had a dream last night that i made out with john cusack (who was a football player nicknamed Blaze) and a stripper that might have been jenna jameson. i think i was also walking around the sex and the city set, but every store was a handbag store. i might be on crack.