what an awesome family I've got

Jul 23, 2006 11:29

So I've got a vacation job!! Well at least for the next week, I don't know whether I'll have to go back after that. And it certainly pays enough! Too bad that it'll be above 30 degrees C the entire next week... I'm thinking of taking my own airconditioning with me to work.

Also other news, we got ourselves a little swimming pool, but it's still big enough to freshen up a bit.. We've already had quite some fun in it.

Yesterday we went to my aunt in Germany. It was incredibly hot, until suddenly the air got clouded and it started to get very windy. That was just after my sister had pushed me into their swimming pool (at the exact moment when a big spider came floating by!! *grossed out*) Later on that day we had a barbecue, and my aunt kept on baking the meat, even though we had more than enough. Why? Well, she had called my two other aunts' husbands to also come by. Now one of those two aunts and her husband, they're still so completely in love with each other, they can't even miss each other for one day. So that autn was already planning to go home, with the excuse that grandfather couldn't handle the fact that my grandmother would be home so late. But we all knew it was because she missed her husband too much. So when the two husbands arrived, you should've seen her face! It was absolutely priceless... So with everyone present, my aunt decided to stay a bit longer.
Now, when you're with my family, you're in for a few laughs! They drink wine, a lot of wine, and at the end of the evening, at least two of my three aunts are wasted... Last night, it was the hostess who was completely drunk. The other two were also a bit drunk, but definitely nothing like the third. So we sat outside, and my aunt lighted some terrace torches up to have some light. In the meantime we went on laughing, talking and who knows what else, when suddenly my mum jumped up, pointing at the torches. Now because of the heath, everything was as dry as could be, and my aunt had planted the torches in ground with dry plants. So now the plants were burning. But even as drunk as she was, she managed to put out the fire with the water she had standing there.
Then we went home, and the other aunt said something like: we have to be home before the dark. (mind you, it was 2am) And the wasted one burst out in laughter! (which by the way wouldn't end until we were away) What fun we had yesterday!

Not it's freaking hot again... I think I'll take a dive into the swimming pool later on. But first I have to finish my hunting for today on monstergame (an online game which I'm addicted to, I'm afraid. Anyone who wants to be a vampire, click on this link:      http://monstersgame.nl/?ac=vid&vid=12006390        )
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