
Mar 03, 2006 16:05

Damn I'm tired... I've been tired all week, and I've never been out so much in such a short time either.
It all started last Friday, when I took the train to Liege, to celebrate a friend's - love you Nanny Fran ;) - birthday. PPP and LiLi were there as well, and we had a fabulous time. We exchanged presents (holy crap, LiLi gave me Cinderella, the animated movie, which I had been wanting for so long, and the Cottrell biography!! And she's funny as hell, I loved listening to her lol) Anyhow, then came the wine... And we all saw that Fran was getting a bit drunk, and poor poor LiLi got an idea. She switched her and Fran's glasses, but she had to drink double after that. Especially when Fran saw that her glass was empty and refilled it again (more drinks for LiLi). Needless to say that we had a very merry evening *grin*

Then the next day I got back home, and not much later we went out to dinner, for my mum's belated birthday. But the food wasn't that tasty and I had stomach problems afterwards. Also I was bored as hell in that restaurant, there was absolutely nothing to do, no one to talk to, and I kept staring at the huge wall painting, trying to figure out some mistakes on it (which I indeed found)

On Monday I went to Maastricht with my ex and a few friends of his to celebrate carnival. Well, carnival isn't my favourite holiday (at all), and since no one had told me to dress up, I went in my regular clothes. Then my ex picked me up, and the bomb dropped. "You're not dressed!? How can you not be dressed!? We're going to Maastricht blabalabla"  I told him that if he had told me in advance, I would've found me a costume, how the hell should I know? From that moment on, he kept on ignoring me for the rest of the day, unless he was critisizing me or telling me how ridiculous it was. I didn't care though, I had a great time with his friends (the girl of his best friend, and a girlfriend of that friend), also had a few drinks (the mum of his best friend's girl kept on buying us beer, which I don't like, but couldn't refuse because I wanted to be polite) and sure enough, after a while I was in a very merry mood again. If that wasn't enough, several guys tried to pick me up (right in front of my ex, man I was having a great time!) So that was Monday...

Then Tuesday came. I was going to the cinema with my chum Ilse. And another friend of mine was going too with a friend of hers. But since that other girl and I were going to celebrate carnival afterwards in Stokkem, we decided to go to the movies together. We dressed up as gothics, and yes indeed, also went to the cinema as gothics. I saw several people I knew whose eyes and mouths fell open, and somewhow if felt great for me to be a bit "rebellious" compared to my normal, quiet me. My ex also works at the cinema (unfortunately...) Anyhow, at the end of the movie, when we went outside, he called me "Ey dingske" (which is bad, since you call something or someone dingske here when you forgot the name of it) and threw my gloves, which I had forgotten last Monday in his car, right in front of me. God I was pissed! And so was my chum. We went to the exit, but then my chum decided that we could not let him go just like that. So she grabbed my bottle of water, ran back inside the cinema and threw water over him (I just love her) He got scared and walked back into the hall where we saw our movie. That's the last I've heard of him, and he still has got some dvd's of me... He said I had to go and get them, but I don't have the means to get there, he does, he's got a car. So he better bring them soon, he wouldn't want to annoy me.

After the movie Els and I went to Sokkem, but it was pretty boring and nothing compared to the previous day. I was so bored that I started flirting with this friend of Els' boyfriend, and I was glad to get home. Unfortunately, the friend thought more was going on, and kept on bugging me.

And then there's yesterday. We went to this dancing or whatever you call it, from 11pm until 4am (my feet were absolutely killing me) I was there with my chum and another girl that I knew from a few years back, and they found some more friends there. And my chum and one of the other guys tried to set me up with his friend, but the more I got to know him, the more he aggravated me. He kept on touching me, tried to kiss me, and I pulled back, completely ignoring him. There was however a really cute guy who kept checking me out (I know so, because I suspected him looking my way, so I stepped aside out of his view, and a few seconds later he also stepped aside so he could see me again) But he left pretty early :( Too bad...

At 5am we finally arrived at Ilse's place, and half an hour later we were lying in our nice and comfy beds *sigh*. We talked a bit longer, and then fell asleep, to wake up at 12pm. So no wonder that I'm tired now...
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