It's meme-time!

Jul 22, 2010 00:53

Leave a comment saying ":>" and I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.

Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
dicedork asked me the following:

1. Were you in DST after I left. I never did find out what happened. You can answer in a plot synopsis or OOC drama format--or both if you like.

Yup, I was there to the very last game. Gods, that was a long time ago, and I don't remember at what point you left. I came in as a regular character so late as it was. Let's see... My character Tamatha seized the Ventrue head spot and plotted to oust the Tremere Prince, Nick's character, before he managed to get the whole Court killed. We were under that doom from the higher ups that shit needed to be straightened up or all would die, and he wasn't making any progress on that front. My coup worked just in time for things to go to hell in a handbasket.
Not a whole lot of Court was left at the end, really. Just coming up with enough to staff a Court was hard enough. I'm not sure I ever did.
The Black Spiral Dancer lair was found, filled with cement, and turned into a basketball court.
The Sabbat raided at the last game, lured to some warehouse by us. There was a big, bloody battle, complete with their war ghouls, but we prevailed. Strangely, my character was one of the last left standing and did a lot of the damage to the other side. My generation was so bad that I couldn't even wake up the parts of the court that passed out from blood loss. Thankfully some NPCs from various clans arrived to help clean up the mess and took care of their own. That was pretty much the end of the game.
The unreleased after-story was remarkably unsatisfying (and more than a little bitchy), so I like to pretend that didn't exist.

2.Combo question for the uninitiated. When did you meet the hubby? When/how did you get involved? When/how did you get engaged?

I met Kris at a group outing of mostly DST-folk to see Dracula 2000 at the Brendan by Todos Santos Plaza. It was a miserable movie, and Kris and I were the only unattached people there, so we became an insta-date. His shoulder was cuddly, and did I mention the movie was horrible?
He appeared on occasion as an NPC at some of the Mage games that Celeste ran after DST. When those ended, people scattered. At some point he and Celeste started going out, she moved into his apartment in San Ramon. I ran into him there when I started working in the Leasing Office at the property in 2001. I didn't realize they lived there. Kris and I hung out on occasion after work. Our respective relationships died around the end of 2001. We got together January 2002.
We'd been unofficially engaged since ~2003; the official engagement was in 2004 or 2005. I can only date it that close because I remember where I was living at the time. I'm REALLY bad at dates. Don't ask how many times I've forgotten Kris's bday and our anniversaries. Really, it's painful. In any case, Kris showed up on my doorstep in a dress whites uniform shirt and proposed on his knee and everything. I was surprised by the whole formal proposal (and the gorgeous ring!). I think this year Kris told me that he'd asked my father for permission before the proposal, too. My father said no. I'm vaguely amused, and slightly curious as to why. If it was for any other reason than it wasn't his place to give permission, I'd need to be peeved.
Our wedding was October 8, 2006. Despite popular belief, the wedding was not on Sunday because I had my regular D&D game on Saturday. Yes, we gamed on Saturday anyway... why not? We had to end early for the rehearsal dinner, though. The DM was one of my bridesmen. Yah, our wedding party was all male.

3. I'm guessing your job exposes you to the occasional really messed up story. What is the most messed up thing you've seen that you're willing to share?

That is true. There are so many different kinds of messed up, but I think I'll go with an accumulation of the crazy rather than the disturbing. Every property has a crazy person; it's a law of property management. Sometimes you'll get more than one, but you'll always have at least one.
A winner from the Sacramento area called the office on an almost daily basis to tell us about what her neighbors were doing to her. She could keep us on the phone for hours ranting about how everyone was out to get her. She believed that all of her neighbors were watching for her to leave so that they could enter her apartment to try on her clothing. They'd leave her formerly clean clothes dirty and smelly and put back in the wrong places. She also claimed that these people took her clean dishes out of her kitchen cabinets, broke them, and put them back. She thought that the downstairs neighbors were changing her TV channels with some device from downstairs. She put motion-sensitive alarms on all her doors and windows and had an alarm installed on her car that went off if someone passed within about 6 feet of the car. You can imagine what that was like in a parking-lot situation.
Another winner from the Bay Area believed that the neighbors had cut out several sections of drywall on their side of the wall and removed the insulation in order to put a portable x-ray machine against her wall in order to spy on her. She could hear them rolling it from room to room following her around. She also felt that the newer neighbors around her had moved there specifically to spy on and stalk her.
An elderly winner from Alameda County sincerely believed that the maintenance supervisor was poisoning her through the HVAC system by pumping poison through her vents. He'd killed her cat that way, and was now trying to kill her. She taped up all her vents and windows, had a padlock on her fridge, and had tons of extra locks on her door. She believed that all the Middle Easterners were out to get her, and they were paying the maintenance man to kill her. The upstairs neighbors allegedly drilled holes through their floor and her ceiling in order to spy on her, particularly over the toilet.

4. You have eight friends who are YOUR friends but not mutual friends. Will you tell us how/why this came to be? (Even if it's boring like "I have 8 RSS feeds.")

Lemme look. It looks like I've got 6 communities (corsetry, poly, bdsm, gaming, etc.), I've got one RSS feed (webcomic), and at least 2 others are artists/writers/webcomics that I follow since they post on their blog when they update their stuff online. The others that are "real" people are Seanan's agent, a husband of a friend, a wife of a former lover, an old profile of a friend-of-a-friend, same person's current profile, and an interesting person from the boards of a webnovelist I follow.

5.Favorite role playing game? System? Genre? There's a trick to this question though. No answer can be Vampire, even if that would be the answer.

Eeeew Vampire. Well, I have some love for D&D 3.5, but I'm starting to like Pathfinder more and more. I like fantasy genre, often with something not strictly fantasy thrown in; I'll do modern if there's a good dose of magic in the world. I very much dislike techy, sci-fi, superhero, and futuristic genres. I'd love to do a good horror game, but it seems like Cthulhu and Paranoia cover most of that market, and those don't interest me. I prefer d20 systems, though I miss LARPs. That was a great excuse to wear some good costumes.

I've been in a weekly Saturday (previously Friday) game since 2002. We did D&D exclusively from 3.0 through 3.5 up until roughly 2008. At that point we started rotating systems and DMs every few months. It keeps the DMs from getting burned out, and it allows the gamers to get some Saturdays back if they're not interested in a particular game, system, or DM. We've mostly converted to Pathfinder rules in everything, though we use a variety of stuff from older d20 systems depending on the game. We also have 2 (new) Mage games in the mix; I'm liking those more than I expected I would. Some other systems have been brought up lately, but not ones that really interest me as yet.


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