hAppy birthdAy t0 me =]

Sep 02, 2006 02:04

w0w i haven`t like actually updated in a l0nggg time ,, but here it g0es // 
yesterday was my birthday & it was ALOT better than last year =] 
dave sent me 12 pInk r0ses t0 sch00l & a ball0n & the cutest card ever <3  
dev0n & samantha made me a birthday sign thingy t0 put 0n my l0cker l0l ---
 when i g0t h0me me matt lanS & marietta went t0 JC ,, i b0ught
 a white i-p0d & g0t a pInk c0ver f0r it it`s the cutest thing ever ,, 
then we ate at gArfield`s ,, THen we watched that riCky b0bby m0vie i was hilari0us i l0ved it <3
 & there was like a bzillion guys in the mall with MULLETS s0 that made everything even better
 0n the way bAck h0me we r0de in lanS mustang with the t0p d0wn & i alm0st fr0ze t0 death --- 
but im h0me n0w & n0t really in the greatest m00d ever s0 im g0nna get 0ff here & g0 t0 bed
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