Mar 12, 2008 10:27
Well, tomorrow is the day of my egg retrieval (finally!)
For the past two weeks, I've been taking three injection medications every night. The same Lupron as before, as well as two others, both of which are powders that have to be mixed with sterile water (which they provide) before I can inject them, and one of which uses a big honkin' needle for it's mixing, because 1cc of liquid is a lot when you're talking about a syringe, although they're nice enough to provide me with smaller needles for the actual injection (so I'm mixing powders and liquids with a big needle attached to the syringe, then drawing all the liquid into the syringe, and screwing off the big needle on top, screwing on a small 1/2 inch needle, getting the air bubble out, then injecting all the liquid subcutaneously (just beneath the skin) so it makes a little hard lump of liquid under my skin.
Last night, instead of all this, they had me take a 2cc "trigger" injection. This stuff takes 36 hours to do it's work, so I took it at 7:30 at night, and at 7:30 two mornings later, they'll do the retrieval! That's kind of interesting, because I have to get up at 5 in the morning to be at the Rockville office by 6:00. They'll put me on an IV (which I'll be grateful for, because I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight, so I'll be hungry and dehydrated, and I'll need that ringer's solution.) after the nurse and doctor intruduce themselves, and have me sign more consents, they'll put me into what's called "twilight sleep" where I'm conscious, but nothing seems real, and I won't be able to remember anything afterward. Evidently I'm EXTREMELY lovey on this stuff. Complimenting everybody and telling them how nice they are and what a good job they're doing. -grin- At least I'm not a cranky jerk!
I have no idea what the operation is like because (duh!) I can't remember it! My next memory from last time I did this- I'm getting into the car to go home, and I have to have a pillow under me because I'm Extremely sore, although the lovely painkillers they give me to take for a few days afterward help lots.
Then I get what ammounts to intense menstrual cramps, and I'm fuzzy from the meds for a few days, and then all is well (knock on wood)!
Wish me luck :)