Hee! Remember this photo?
I entered it into my photography club's exhibition print selection tonight.
There were 3 judges and they rated a photo between 2 and 5 (2 = rubbish, 5 = great) meaning a lowest mark of 6 and top mark of 15. The category I entered it into was "Southampton" as a general category where they didn't split them into the classes (primary, intermediate, advanced) so were all being rated on the same scale.
I got a mark of 14!!! (They said that marks of 13-15 can win categories in the international competition. I'm thinking I might enter that one next year.)
They gave feedback on it too, so I have a few areas I can improve on it (just lightening the vignetting a bit and darkening the centre area of grass). But they liked it! And these are members who actually judge actual competitions!
I'm so chuffed.
(I had 3 other photos too, which got 12, 11 and 8. Not bad but not fantastic. Though the one I got 12 marks for got some nice comments too.)