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May 30, 2008 12:24

Its been a crazy couple of weeks I could say. 
I've been partying way tooo much thats for sure. Spending too much monayyy.
But anyway Last week I wasnt supposed to have a party at my house but ending up having one anyway and the craziest thing happended....
Tylers best friend Brian Barton Just showed up outta nooo where. Tyler and him havent even talked except maybe once or twice sivnce we've been going out and then he just randomly shows up to party. It was awesome. Im so glad I finally got to meet himmmm tho. 
I had off like a million days this week so I've just been chillinnn hard. 
Last night Tyler and I went out to eat at Sakura in Cape Coral with a few friends and A friend who came back into town.
Of course we had to party since it was his first night back to Florida, so I think we ended up drinking like 8 or 9 shots of saki there, which got us all fucked up and then we all went out to James and Lisa's out in Lehigh again...and got even more fuckedddd.
Palyed with the hookah for a little while and just sat around and drankkkkkk.
And I did all this with my boss lady. She is soo the bomb. I love her and her husband.
But James isss sooo my new drinking Pal... I had to bring him up to my level but he hung in there. lol 
But more nights to happen like last.... For realllllll

On another note... Me and Tyelr have been together almost a year and 9 months.
And we havent had a freakin fight in soooo long. Love it.
Its also been about 3 months since Ive smoked a cigarette. Havent touched one. Im so proud of myself!

Oh and one more thing... This is SOOO greatttttttt.
I definetly havent lost my scholorship from the state of Florida because my charges got dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor so I still have my scholorship!!! 
My mommy told my that yesturday and it about made my day.
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