I swear to god my computer is just going around deleting thigs...WTF

May 17, 2008 05:45

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My thoughts on life right now in words basically...
Current mood:

These past few months of my life have really taught me A LOT. I have learned that swallowing my pride is by far the hardest thing I will EVER have to do.
I've learned that you cant trust anybody and that this world that we live in, this crazy fucked up world, well it turns in very unforgiving ways. The biggest and most important thing though, that I have faced and fought and realized is that what dosent kill you will only make you stronger.

I have really grown as a person these past few months. And yes I have been through some rough shit in my life, very unforgetable things that still haunt me to this day, but the past six or seven months were in an entirerly new category of "life lessons."  I am a stronger, smarter, and more mature person than I was six months ago. I am not only willing to be a better person for me but for my family and others. I have this completely new attitude towards life and I cant exactly tell you what it is...But I just want to live my life to the fullest and with absoluetly no regrets.
You only live once and by god if you fuck up, FUCK IT. Its a mistake!!!
And i promise, you will learn from it.
Even if that lesson is the toughest, most strenuous, ridiculous lesson you've ever had to sit through, you will get someting out of it.

I guess what it is is growing up. I thought I started that and got through the toughest parts but it only gets harder.
Thats another thing I've taken in from all this, is that life is hard.
No matter what, its always going to be hard but you just have to make the most of it. Its hard for everybody but its how you live your life that determines how much it sucks or not. I also wanted to honestly say thank you to a certain "family" or group of people that has had a big part in helping me realize all this.
They have taught me that this world is hardly ever fair and even the most horrible, low-life, devious, and scummy people will somehow get away with the most horrible, low-life, devious, scummy things. But shit happens. Everything cant go your way all the time. Plain and simple. You cant change what you cant control.
But because of them I am now a more strong-willed, level headed, determined person today. I love and appereciate my life and everyone it soooo much more today than I did a few months ago.
They have helped me understand that love is probably the only thing that is actually real, if you've found the right person, and no matter what, no one will love you like your family does.

So basically what I'm trying to say people is just get out there and make the most of what you have and don't regret a thing!
Someone who loves you will always be there for you!
Things happen for a reason and the world usually tends to unfold as it should!

5:27 PM
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