20 things you didn't know - aka i'm a sucker

Oct 05, 2005 23:33

1. chances are that i don't like you right now.
2. that's because i think you don't like me right
3. i'd rather make someone feel stupid than admit
that i'm wrong.
4. i'm constantly being disappointed by my friends.
5. i let it slide because i am more afraid of being
alone/starting over.
6. i smile WAY too much. 20% of the time it's fake.
7. hot showers are my assumed cure for anything.
8. i don't like getting too close to people. i assume
that i'll end up being screwed over...which i do 85%
of the time.
9. i'm extremely indecisive. to the point where it
could be a real problem.
10. i don't like to cry. i'd rather keep my emotions
locked up.
11. disney movies are truly magical.
12. i'm one of the biggest pushovers ever. & i hate it.
13. i'm not good at beer pong. it's all about luck for
me. i don't have any skill in that department.
14. i haven't had a really good/intelligent/meaningful
conversation with someone in a long time. i miss those.
15. i miss my cat. a lot.
16. he's always stoned. & it bothers me. but it shouldn't.
17. death cab for cutie songs match every single one of my
moods. so i listen to them every day.
18. misspellings are one of my biggest pet peeves.
19. i'm back to biting my nails again. i hate it.
20. i like to make people feel good/happy. brings me some
sense of satisfaction.

be cool my babies.
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