(no subject)

Oct 30, 2005 12:25

And I can't believe what you're saying
So don't tell me
The words that kill, the words that kill
You're leaving...

So last night basically sucked, for the most part. My mom's being a stupid hag and won't let me go to Warped, and I couldn't find someone to take my shift, so I ended up closing (by myself, for the second night in a row, because Nathan ditched me early so that he could go to some house party or something). The only good part was that Jord bought me booze, and Jamie brought it to me and we ended up talking for a bit. But once I got home, I drank almost half my 2-6 of Sour Puss (the bottle is 750mL, so like 375mL), and half a mickey of Vodka. Wow wasn't that great. Mmm a 55% alcoholic drink that tasted like rubbing alcohol. Not. It was pretty sick, but I had to take my mind off the fact that Jamie was going out with that Sarah chick again. He came in to bring me my drinks and he was standing by me, talking to his buddy on the phone and I heard him say "Yeah just call Sarah's cell if I lose you guys." So obviously, he was gonna be with her all night. And the fact that they used to sleep together doesn't help. He basically dropped her when Courtney said she wanted him back (again), but after he watched her go home with 4 guys, he decided to go back to this chick. Lovely, hey? Fuck. Now, Jamie's a great guy and I love him more than anything, but he does some stupid shit when he's drunk (obviously - he just got 8 staples taken out of the back of his head because he got in a fuckin' bar fight!), and I know that him & this girl get along really well...He doesn't really love her or anything, he basically keeps her around because he's lonely he said. Yeah. I know. When he said that I was thinking "YOU'RE lonely? Puh-LEASE!" So yeah, it was a great night...pretty sure I'll have alc poisoning by the time I finish this stuff. Watch me be hungover tomorrow at school and tomorrow night at work. Hah. God.

Take back what you said
That this would never end
The words that kill, the words that kill
You're leaving me...

-Mrs. McIsaac-Jensen-Margera-Wiles-
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