Oct 21, 2005 18:40
Wow, it's great to see so many of you filled out the survey *cough*. Anyway, I'm bored beyond all hell, aaand stupid Nexopia is addicting...but even that's getting boring. Ugh.
I'm still in my pjs...omg I slept 'til 2 today, then I woke up for like 5 minutes and fell back asleep 'til 4:30 haha. It was great. But somebody kept phoning and it was pissing me off *mad face*. Stupid people.
Sooo I have like...nothing to update at all. God. Oh hey if anyone wants to add my Nexopia, it's Im~A~Fake (and I'm pretty sure I posted that in my last entry, but I can't remember right now so deal with it and move on.)
I'm in the mood to get drunk. Maybe I should phone Jamie and ask him to get me some Sour Puss...oh fuck I think he's working tonight though...damn.
Well, I'm off m'dears.
-Mrs. McIsaac-Jensen-McCracken-Margera-Wiles- (Goddamn, so many 'M' names.)
Can you hear me?
Or am I talking to myself again
Is there anybody listening
Are you taking this in
Am I wasting my breath?