Just some thoughts

Jun 25, 2010 16:50

It's a super slow day at work, quite the opposite of one year ago, when Michael Jackson died. Boy was that a busy work day! Not too much to update here, but I thought I would post anyway.

The temperature is super hot these days....over 90 every day and very humid, definitely summer in Florida! We went to the playground with the girls today. They had fun, but it was super hot. Right next to the playground was a splash pad, where you can go in for $2/person and play in the water and refresh. We didn't bring our suits this time, but we'll definitely be back again with our suits and go in the splash pad to cool off in between playing on the playground. The girls had fun today, never the less.

So, even though I know I'm pregnant, it's really weird to think sometimes that I have a living, moving human baby inside me right now! Even on the third pregnancy, it's just still weird. Especially seeing him/her on the ultrasound last week and seeing/hearing the heartbeat. Very cool, but weird.

So I witnessed a somewhat funny/pathetic thing yesterday. I was walking to a park on my work break and here's what I saw in the road: Guy with big goofy hat crosses the street (not at the light) and motions for an oncoming car to stop so he can cross. The car stops, the two exchange some words (inaudible to me), then the car goes about 10 feet, completely stops in the middle of the road, the driver opens his door and starts yelling at the walker. The walker yells back and the driver yells, "Why don't you come say that to my face! (They were about 50 from each other.) Thankfully the walker just continues to walk in the opposite direction and the driver gets back in his car and zooms off. I just smiled and shook my head. What a pathetic scene. I mean, seriously, so the guy should have crossed at a light and not had to stop for him, but was it worth raising your blood pressure and making a scene? Geez, some people. lol

So, that's about it. Well, this killed about 15 minutes at work. Another 6 hours to go.
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