1. What is your full name? Amanda Leigh Tyssssssss...
2. How many siblings do you have? Brother who will be 20 in August
3. What color is your hair? Blonde
4. What color are your eyes? Blue
5. How tall are you? 5'8 or 5'9
6. Do you like taking showers or baths? Showers
7. Do you have braces? Never had them
8. Do you have freckles? Nope
9. What do you think of yourself? Hah, nothing good
10. What kind of clothes do you wear? I wear bermuda shorts and polo's but in the winter i like to layer
11. Do you overanalyze a lot? I don't think so
12. Do you do good in school? I try my hardest
13. Are you close to most of your friends? Not like I wish I was... I am REALLY close with Alex though, I tell him everyyyyything
14. How many maths have you taken? Umm, next year I will be in Algebra 2 so I don't know what that means haha
15. Do you work? Yes
16. What kind of car do you want? Mini coopers are cute. But I also love BMWs
17. Do you have a bf/gf? Nope
18. What is today? Tuesday
19. What website's are you subscribed to? livejournal, myspace, hilaryduff.com and some hilary picture site that requires a password
20. How many computer's are in your house? 4
21. How many bathroom's are in your house? 3
22. Do you tan easily? Yes
23. Have you ever been to Florida? Yes
24. Do you have any serious medical conditions? No
25. Have you broken any bones in your body? There was the one time with my knee..
26. Have you ever seen the show "Laguna Beach"? Yes but I didn't like it
27. What is the lastest CD you bought? Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants soundtrack
28. What is the latest CD you listened to? Coldplay
29. Have you had a lot of homework lately? No homework in the summer for meee
30. Do you like to watch soccer?Yes
31. What is your favorite shape? Heart
32. Do you like to blow bubbles? I used to
33. Have you ever smoked? No and never will
34. Who is your favorite teacher? Seymour, Tapley, Snow
35. What do you think of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite"? It was great when it came out, but it got old because it was so overused.
36. Do you like Reese's, Snicker's or 3 Musketeers the best? Reeses
37. What is your favorite flavor jelly bean? I like never eat jellybeans hah. I like anything pink or red
38. Do you straighten your hair every morning? Not everyyy morning
39. When you were little did you ever want to be a pirate? No.
40. Are you familiar with the show "Rocko's Modern Life? Yes
41. Have you been to Chuckie Cheese in the past year? No but I did go last year with my cousins haha
42. Are you in high school? Yes
43. Do you plan on going to college? Yes
44. Do you have more than 2 piercings? No
45. Would you ever get any more piercings? Probably not
46. Do you have a lot of nicknames? Yessss.
47. Do people call you by your real name? Most people take off the A and call me Manda. My Dad calls me Mandy and McAuley calls me Man
48. Do you live on the water? Sort of
49. Have you ever been skiing? Yes
50. Have you ever been snowboarding? No
51. Have you ever purchased anything from CVS? There's one right next door to my work so I go there a lot
52. What are you scared of? Death
53. Have you ever had sushi? No
53. Have you ever eaten calamari? No
54. Do you like dogs? Yes
55. Do you believe in any form of religion? Yes
56. What does your bedroom look like? Um it's pink and 1 wall is green, white & pink checkersishh and it's covered in movie stars haha but it's neat and clean
57. Do you read a lot? YES!
58. How long is your hair? Shoulders
59. Do you have any bad habits? Not really. but everyone has at least 1
60. Where do you go to school? Scarborough
61. What is the last thing you heard? Big Brother on TV
62. What is the next big holiday coming up? Hmmm my birthday in November
63. Are you going to the beach this summer? Yes
64. Have you ever played online Bingo? No
65. Have you ever played iSketch online? No
66. What color pens do you have? .Pink
67. When was the last time you were sick? Today actually hah i had to leave the mall early
68. Do you eat your vegetables? Yes
69. Do you wear skirts a lot? Sure do
70. What is your favortie outfit? White bermuda's with my teal polo and a white ribbon in my hair
71. Are you addicted to gum? Yes
72. Do you get into sports on TV? Yes
73. Who do you think is the hottest celebrialty? Drew Daniel MMMMMM rising starrr.. <333333
74. What is your least favorite band? I really hate rock like the used and all that stuff
75. What is the best ride in an amusement park? Log flume haha
76. What is the last thing you said out loud? "OMG. i loooove this show."
77. Are you extremely bored right now? Yes
78. Do you like having snowball fights? hahah there was that one time at Alex's house with Amy and Danielle. Tears were shed.
79. When was the last time it snowed? March probably
80. When was the last time you saw a fight? On TV I saw a talking fight
81. Have you ever seen a dolphin up close? No
82. Do you overuse the word "LOL"? Somtimes, I try not to say it
83. Do you like to watch porn? No
84. How many classes are you in in school right now? I love summer
85. How often do you check your email? 5 times an hour. hah just kidding. Like 2 times a day
86. Have you ever wish upon a star? Yes
87. What was the last party you went to? Not sure
88. Who was the last person you had over your house? Kaity
89. What's the best quality in a guy/girl? Their personality
90. Do you own a LiveStrong bracelet? Yes haha
91. What was the most trouble you've ever gotten into? 1st grade when I stole that stupid Buzz Lightyer toy off the teachers desk.. wow i was a freak.
92. What mesmorizes you when you look at it? The Ocean and big cities
93. What is the best guy name? Mason and Bo!
94. Have you ever been set up with somebody you hardly knew? No
95. Have you ever been on a waterbed? Yes
96. When was the last time you got in trouble at school? I never get in trouble hah, no seriously. I only got talked to once by Dion in French because I wouldn't stop talking and then she threatened a detention. Yeeeah, didn't continue in that class
97. Are you sitting in a computer chair? It's wicker with a cushon
98. Who is in the room with you? No one
99. What is on the table that you are sitting at? It's a wicker desk with glass ontop and all kinds of pictures under the glass... and my nalgene bottle and a magazine with Hilary Duff on the cover