Apr 17, 2006 11:30
Yes I know I am late but I wasn't in the mood for even a short post last night, so it'll just have to do. I got up at like seven to get ready and go to Jeremy and Stacha's so we could go to my grandma and grandpa C's. I didn't have any nice shirts that are still in good condition and fit, so Sat night mom and I ran to Wal-mart and got me a shirt. It is cute, it is an orange color and in the peasent style. And it has brown embrordry and bead work around the collar and cuffs. So I wore that shirt and a long jean skirt that I have. I got to Jeremy and Stacha's a little early. I was supposed to be there at nine but I got there at eight thirtyish. It was a good thing though. The girls had woken up early so Stacha had not had a chance to get herself ready yet, and Jeremy is working his normal 12 hour shifts, but instead of working for four days and having four days off, he is working 12 days straight, becasue the other dispatcher is taking vacation. So it was his 8th day on the twelve day rotation and he needed his sleep. So I played with Ali and held gabi while Stacah got ready. Ali was so darn ardorable!!!! Her easter dress was so cute and she had a little purse that looked like a bunny. I have pics so I might try to load them sometimes soonish. So then Stacha and i went to meet the family at IHOP. There were 23 people total. We had a whole wall of the resturant. There was Grandma and Grandpa C., Aunt Kathy, Uncle Mark and his girlfreind Kim, dad and his girlfreind Rose, Stacha, me, Ali, and Gabi, Uncle David and his girlfreind Kimberly and her two kids who I don't remembet their names, my cousin Josh, his wife Taylor and his son Avory, Alisha and her husband Chris and their two daughters Danni and Lilly,my cousin James's wife and their son Zane. And I think that is it. My cousin James enetered the Army sometime between Jan and now, I dont know when. But he is an idiot, so his wife Vanessa and thier son Zane are living with my cousin Alisha, who is James's sister, and her family. I am not sure how that is going. We all got there at ten and didn't eat until between 11:30 and noon. The little kids were fussy and cranky and hungry, so David took his grandkids, Avory, Lilly and Zane, and I took Ali and we went outside to let them run around. Oh, and notice a trend with the males on my dad's side of the family???
I had the new CiniStack meal thing. The Cini stacks are really too sweet for me, but they were really good, and I had eggs and hashbrowns, sausage and ham. I didn't want bacon so I got two extra sausage links instead. I ate all the meat, but the eggs were too runny and I didn't like them and Ali was starting to get in a mood again so I didn't get to finish my hashbrowns, they were really good. I got a box though and put My cinistack and hashbrowns in it to bring home. I took Ali outside again so Stacha could attempt to eat in peace and not have to worry about Ali spilling chocolate milk. So everyone starts to leave, or so Stacha and I think. So we load Gabi up and get Ali ready to go and head out. Well everyone is standing around outside talking and stuff, we have two little kids, we can't stand around and yammer. So we get in the car and are going to go ahead and head on over to my grandparents. As we are leaving we see Zane wondering out into the parking lot, Vanessa, his mother is standing there talking and shit and not paying attention. So we watch for a minute and he is just comming further and further into the parking lot. Once he got out so that he wasnt between any cars and was actually where people drive, I got out and ran up and got him. Vanessa started yelling at him and I wanted to yell at her. Well, Stacha and I leave and get like three blocks from my grandparents house, where there is NO ONE there, and Gabi starts screaming and both girls need a diaper change. So Stacha calls her brother who live like two blocks away and we go over there to make a pit stop, change the girls and feed Gabi. Then we go back over to my grandparents, and they are there now. My dad and Rose had forgotten my birthday, lovely isn't it? Well, they gave me a 25 dollar gift card to Wal-mart which will be a lot of use right now, so I didn't say anything except Thank you. My grandparents had all ready mailed my birthday and easter cards and money to me, becasue they didn't know for sure if I was comming or not. Ali got three easter baskets full of stuff and Gabi got two and a stuffed bunny. We only stayed there for about thirty minutes and then left. Stacha needed to change and get Ali's blankets from the house, it was past Ali's nap time so she was crabby, and then head to her parents. I stayed and helped her reload the girls into the car and then left. Oh, I got a nice big roll of cinnamon bread from my grandma, of course. She gives them out every year. I loooooooove my grandma's home made cinnamon bread.
So, that is the Easter run down. Now, other news.
I have finally been sucked into makeing a MySpace. I know I hang my head with shame. Also, som very good news that makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I was goofing off on some websites Saturday afternoon and came across this picture of a guy. He looked really really familiar, he looked almost exactly like a guy I knew from when I worked at Worlds of Fun and who I went to school with at NKC. Now it's been at least five years since I have seen this person, possibly even six. But it really looked like him, or at least how I remembered him. So I sent him a message giving him my Yahoo and MSN and stuff. Saturday evening I get a request from someone to add me to their messenger. I realized as soon as I saw the user ID that I was right, it was my freind from WOF. His user ID was his name, kind of a give away. I just started laughing. I could not beleive it was really him. He was really nice to me when I first started at WOF and had just moved to the city. He just had a personality that was freindly and made everyone feel welcome and like they fit in. He still does. I talked to him until way later then I should have been up Saturday night and then again last night. He is in the Army now, though getting ready to get out and is doing really well. I have been enjoying talking to him a lot and it is really nice. I thought I was going to have a good laugh, knowing who he was and him not remembering me, but he did remember me. I am surprised, we werent like super close or hung out or anything. He remembered a lot and it surprised me. He admited I'm the first person from WOF that has found him that he has remembered. So yeah, these things make me a happy happy little camper.