Jan 02, 2006 18:30
1. Amanda Pants
2. Amanda Flagg with 2 Gs
3. Lily
1. the end of next summer
2. being forgotten...thats not really exactly it but I cant put words to it
1. daniel
2. friends
3. food
1. chapstick
2. food
1. a blanket
2. shirt mel bought me for christmas
1. love
2. trust
3. sense of humor
Physical Traits:
1. butt! i mean cmon !
2. eyes
3. flex those arms baby!
Personality Traits:
1. open ...trust..yea thats what i was going for
2. funny
3. loving
1. reading...shush!
2. scrapbooking.....wow im looking pretty friggen cool
1. dan
2. to not be sick
1...hah i wish i new A SUPER MODEL! just kidding everyone...interior designer
2. mom
1. some tropical island
2. somewhere with alot of snow
3. Australia
1. stay in love and become a wife and a mother
2. skydive..
1. Dan! right now in my bed! ;O
2. for things to get easier
3. to be 2 inches taller
[Spell your first name]: A-M-A-N-D-A
[The story behind your name]: ..........its ma name of course
[Where do you live?]: Foxboro in some basement
[Wallet]: its pink and smells funny
[Jewelry worn daily]:claddagh ring, my mothers wedding ring, my cross..which broke yesterday
[Shoes]: ugly DCs
[Favorite top]: my stop and shop shirt OBVIOUSLY ....uhmmmm maybe this long sleeve pink one mel got me
[Perfume/Cologne]: perfume: tommy girl cologne: fierce
[Piercing]: ive got my ears pierced!
[What you are wearing now]: victoria's secret pj pants, the pink long sleeve shirt and a blue blanket
[Makeup]: none
[On my mind]: my headache, this annoying cough, missing dan
[Wishing]: dan was here
[Talking to]: no one
[Eating]: nothing
[favorite types of movie-love stories or funny ones]: of course dan would make fun of me if i said the chick flick were everything works out so i would have to go with drama
[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]:semi, prom the beginning of the summer
[The last thing you ate?]: cough drop
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: losing dan
[Do you believe in love]: yup
[Do you believe in soul mates]: yup
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: sure
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yea
[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: goldfish, ice cream, pizza, cool ranch doritos.....oh ya no most anything
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: life
In the last 24 hours, have you:
[Cried?]:surprisingly no, cept when there were tears in my eyes from not breathing
[Gotten sick]: yes
[Eaten?]: yea
[Been kissed?]: sadly ....no
[Felt stupid?]: no i was alone basically the last 24 hours soooo there was no one here to make me feel stupid
[Told someone you loved them]: .....sadly again....no, unless u count my letter then yes
[Met someone new?]:no
[Moved on?]: from.....
[Talked to an ex?]: no
[Missed an ex?]: nope
[Had a serious talk?]: havent really talked....AHHH THATS SCARY
[Hugged someone?]: my mom!!!! and my dad!!!! cuz they feel bad for me
[Done something your parents said no to?]: not in the past 24 hours....!
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date?]: ......if i answer that i will die
[Where is the best hangout?]: jills or lizs or my house
[Do you have a job?]: ya
[Do you like being around?]: dan, jill, mary, mel, liz, stef, bobby, cassie ..most everyone
[Who Have you known the longest]: jillian....well technically dan, but i dont remember since i was like 1 or 2
[Do you argue the most with?]: jill
[Do you always get along with?]: dan
[MOST TRUSTWORTHY?] : dan, jill, mary
[Makes you laugh the most?]: dan, jill
[Has been there through all the hard times?]: dan, jill, mary
[Has the coolest parents?]: jill
[Has the coolest siblings?]: jill, dans are pretty spiffy too
[Is the most blunt?]: dan
[Is the smartest?]: mary, liz, dan
Other stuff...
[Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?]: ya
[Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?]: ya
[Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?] no
[Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you]: ........hahahhaha REMEMBER THE SUMMER OF CAMP AND THE REVENGE ...REMEMBER JILL REMEMBER oh man, soooooo yea i guesssss so!
[Rather be the dumper or dumped?]: dumped
[Rather have a relationship or a hookup]: relationship
[Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?]: well dan was my like only guy friend.....and he was the best since he was the only .....sooooooooo if you go through the whole process....yes!
[Want to get married?]: yea
[Want kids?]: ya
[Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?] : i believe i do
[What is your favorite part of your physical appearance?] none
[What is your favorite part of your personality?:] craziness when its there
[Are you happy with yourself?]: usually
[Are you happy with your life?]: usually
During this summer (summer O5') I....
had a party? well my bday was still in technical summer so yea
gone to a party? yes
spent the night with someone? mah FRIENDS!!! ewwwwww
laughed until your stomach hurt? of course i do that weekly
laughed until you almost peed your pants? again of course
gone on a vacation? i believe i went on at least one
tanned? yea
went to camp?no
swam? yes
went to the movies? yep
gone shopping? ya
Had a job?no
gotten freakishly bored? of course
have you gotten sun burned yet? oh there were bad sun burns that summer!
made a bonfire? yeeeeaaa
been outside during a lightning storm? yea..probably
Been to another state? ya
been to another country? nope
changed something about your appearance? i let jill cut my hair!
been to the the hospital with an injury? no
commited a crime/broken the law? no
gone on a road trip? no
had a g/f or b/f? yea
dumped a g/f or b/f? no
kissed someone? HELL YES
been to a concert? BACKSTREETS BACK ALRIGHT!
Been in trouble with the cops/parents? ..........not really
had a memorable moment? of course!
had a horrible moment? who doesnt
made new friends? might have
missed a friend?not rewally, hate them all...jk
Slept under the stars?no
thought about school? ya
been to the beach? ......I DID NOT GO TO THE BEACH ALL SUMMER im proud
thought about a special someone? yea
Played Spin the Bottle? no
Toilet Paper someone's house? cabins at camp!
Played Poker with money ?.....no now that i think about it
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt ? light pink yes
Been tickled so hard you couldn't talk ? yes
like someone but never told them ? no
went camping ? yes
had a crush on your brother's friend ? do i have a brother
walked in the rain without an umbrella yes
told a joke that NObody thought was funny ? yes
been in a talent show ? no
started laughing at someone's bedtime ? yup
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of ? probably
been to a nude beach ? no
drank jack daniels ? no
cursed in a church ? ooops
been called a slut for kissing someone ? no
wanted to be a police officer ? no
dumped someone? once
been hit on by someone too old ? ohh yea that creepy 70 year old...no
bought lottery tickets ? no
made out in a car ? HELL YES!
cried during a movie ? yea
wanted something you couldn't have ? yup
had sex on the beach ? no.....but now i wanna!
had the drink sex on the beach ? nope
seen someone shoplift ? nope
hung up on someone ?ALL THE TIME...stupid people call back and i say i dont no what happened
yelled at your pet ? yep..did it today
tried to strip when drunk ? tried to strip when not drunk? YES
gotten seasick ? no
played a prank on somone that had them really scared ? no
been embarassed by one of your family ? every friggen gathering i swear we play the lets embarass amanda GAME!
felt bad about eating meat ? NO! HAH
protested ? against going to school for a day AND WON yes i did
been to an island ? no
been in love ? yes
ate just because you were bored ? yes
Screamed in a library ? no
Made out with a stranger ? no
Been Dumped ? yea
Wished a part of you was different ? yes
laughed so hard you cried ? yes
went up to a complete stranger and started talking? no
been sunburned ? yes
threw up in school ? no
recieved an anonymous love letter ? nope
had to wear something you hated ? yep
been to a luau ? yea at my cool school
cursed in front of your parents ? yes
been in a commerical on tv ?EVERYDAY im on the victorias secret commerials guys!
watched a movie that made you miss your ex ? when i didnt have a boyfriend yes
been out of the country ? yes
won at pool ? yea
went to a party where you were the ony sober one ? yea all the time, no
went on a diet ? sad attempts
been lost out to sea ? OH YEA THAT TIME WHEN I WAS CROSSING THE ATLANTIC...no ...lost cuz it was foggy i the cape..yea
cheated on your gf ? no..i hope i dont have a gf
been cheated on ? no
tanned topless ? no
been attacked by seagulls ? yea it was scary and i screamed, while my family laughed
been searched in an airport ? YEA STRIP SEARCHED..no
been on a plane ? yes
been pants-ed ? yes, in front of the sheep
thown a shoe at someone ? probably
broke someone's heart ? yea right
sung in the shower ? ya
bought something way too expensive ? probably
done something really stupid that you still laugh about ? ya
been walked in on when you were dressing ? yes
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie ? no BUT I WANTED TO DURING SIGNS....yes folks signs
been kicked out of the mall ? no
been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back? yes
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one? no
done something stupid when you were drunk ? yoh yea remember the time......NO
fell off your roof ? almost off jills and denises but never mine
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone ? HEHEHEHE YEP
had a deer jump in front of your car ? no
threated someone with a water gun ? no
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge ? HELL YES
open your eyes underwater ? yes but it hurts oh so badly
eat whatever you want and not have to worry ? maybe cuz i eat all the time and i still weigh the same
ice skate ? ..sort of
sing in front of a crowd ?I WILL DO YA WANNA HEAR
whistle ? kinda
do thirty push ups ? fake ones yes!
eat super spicy foods ?no
skateboard ? yea im tony hawk, no
sleep with the lights on ? i dont like to but sometimes
mulititask ? yea
touch your nose with your tounge ? YES
fall asleep easily in the car ? not at all
do the cotton eye joe ?oh yes, i can do msot of it actually
play ddr and not fall ? yes
surf ? never tried
fit in your locker ? no..
do a split ? no
taste the difference between pepsi and coke ? yes
sorry for all the sarcasm in that, im sick so i havent talked to people all day and taken my sarcastic tones with them so i took it out on the survey