FIC: Everything to Bid, Everything to Lose (Highlander)

Jan 06, 2014 19:05

Title: Everything to Bid, Everything to Lose
Written for: keerawa in hlh_shortcuts Exchange 2013
Characters/Pairings: Joe, Methos/OFC
Rating: G
Word count: 6,000
Author's Notes: You asked for a scenario in which the Watchers got something wrong in Methos' chronicle and he wants it corrected, but it occurred to me more that Methos would care less about his record, spotty as it was, and more that the Watchers might have certain documentation that he might prefer to possess himself. And so. Also, my knowledge of history is shoddy, supplanted with only descriptions from Anne Rice vampire novels. Sry.

Summary: Methos was less concerned about the morality of the Watchers owning these artefacts and more about his schadenfreude at what he thought was a fruitless pursuit; he delighted in telling Joe that his interest in the Watchers was self-preservation, and nothing else. But this time, it was a little different-he had something that Methos had created, once owned, and based on his response at the auction, was very interested in getting back.

fanfic, highlander fanfic, joe, fests, highlander, like a boss, methos

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