Dec 03, 2012 10:49

So it was true that I watched all of Eleven's Doctor Who this past October, but it was also true that I HAD PHEELS. And so I took notes as I watched. I also kept a count of how often I cried, because it was my first time being clean of the Prozac.

The best part about all this was that I had a list of things I learned about Season 5 nearly 2 years ago, after it aired. It was fun to see if I was accurate or not. In some ways, I was. In others, I was horribly wrong.

Oh! But before I did that, I had to watch the last of David Tennant, Waters of Mars and The End of Time.

That was fun, wasn't it? Without further ado, I present Doctor Who, Season Five, Episodes 1-8.

That was fun.

doctor who, reaction posts

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