I be cooking and shit.

Jan 17, 2011 11:15

I have many photo dumps to do, but here is today's. COOKING ADVENTURES!

Chocolate Chip Crunch Cookies. Left is done with the stoneware cookie sheet. Right done with the metal tray and a silpat. Can we tell which one I will be using in the future?

Now some Garam Masala Chocolate Gingerbread with Royal Icing! (Gluten Free
Cribbed icing bags:

I was studious:

(BTW Anya, these are yours)

And I tried out some new cookie cutters:

"What Darth Vader began to realise, was that when Boba Fett said, 'As you wish', what he really meant was 'I love you'."


Then I realised that I had a shitload more icing than cookies, and I started to get irritated:

So I iced the rejects:

I made a lot of things over the holidays:

But I forgot to make pictures of them. However, I am starting to write a cookbook in post-it notes. Thanks Gypsy. BUT! Before I forget!

I made breakfast in a muffin:

They aren't pretty when the come out of the oven. I can think of ways to make them more aesthetically attractive:

But when you cut them in half!

And that is my cooking odyssey for December and Stuff.

i liek fud, i'm a boss, a fucking albacore around my neck!, flipping my shit, star wars, i am a shameless whore, i did it with a wiffle ball bat, barrowbiscuits r us, cooking, this will never stop being funny, cookies, aiming to misbehave, i am awesome, tastes like burning, bleu bleu is mah mistress, photos, like a boss

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