Mander's pre halloween adventure.

Oct 30, 2010 10:12

Amand-r and the great cookie disaster.
--by Amand-r, PEI Esquire, DSMV VI

As this is Viv's first Halloween party I wanted to make a good showing at the whole "I'm an awesome parent and I rule hard" game that instinctually takes over your brain when faced with the sign up sheet for sweets to bring. Mum signed me up for cookies.

I can do cookies.

Simpler is better with preschoolers, but these are discerning palates, raised on Chef Boyardee and Clif Bars. Naturally I wanted to be awesome.

The first batch burnt to a crisp, as I was rolling them way thinner than I should. I had to pitch them. Then mum told me that I was probably still in pierogie dough mode. Still, I baked them for five minutes. In the end, I started to collect the okay box and the reject box:


When they were all made, I brough Viv home from Joanma and Pop-Pop's and set her up with lame icing and the rejected cookies:

Tryin' to catch me riding shirty:

Vivi's cookies:

Mommy's cookies:

And then Viv's halloween parade. Skip if you're not into kid pictures.

I FELT SECURE KNOWING THAT Tinkerbell and Snow White were being flanked by the Dark Knight and the Transformers.

cookies, omg the eggnog fairy is here, viola, the goddamn batman, hahahaahahahahaha, *muppety handz*, oh snap, personal wiggety-wack, it's on now, daleks are all up in my shit, clean all the things, john barrowman? what john barrowman?, i am so funny, photos

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