gettin' funky on the mic like a' old batch o' collard greens

Mar 30, 2010 12:16

1. Hey! Check it!

Thanks, people over at the Forbidden awards! I uh. I really didn't think I had a snowball's chance in hell, and I love so many of the other stories nommed, I'm flattered beyond measure just to be nommed.

2. Mum sent me the link to this with the message, "I should have got this for your Easter basket." To which I replied, "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MAKE YOU HATE ME SO??"

3. Let's all take a moment to appreciate the sage words of Dr. Dre: Never let me slip, 'cause if I slip, then I'm slippin'. Yes, Dre. Yes.

4. tw_kinkandseek. GO THERE.

5. AND WHILE WE'RE ON IT: touchyerwood IS, ONCE AGAIN TO REMIND YOU, LIVE AND ACCEPTING KINKS OF ALL KINDS. I'd like to close out a whole page, just for fun. Like, page three is 12 kink fills short of being complete. COME ON PEOPLE. WE CAN DO IT. GANGBANG THE KINKMEME. (I AM. A STORY A DAY THIS WEEK. MWAH.)

The actual place to post. And the MASTER LIST. Due to the number of people who have said, "We have a kinkmeme in TW?" to me, I encourage you to pimp if you're comfortable with it.

6. On the home front, I dunno why I'm so tired. Operation: Housecleaning is on break. Every day I make a list of shit to do and then I do a third of it. I hope that now that I don't have any more eps of Angel to distract me.

7. What have I been reading? Anita Blake novels. ::hangs head:: And a history text that is a billionty pages long, so I feel redeemed. But what have I been watching?

Murder By Decree: [TRAILER] I am by no means a super huge Holmes nerd, and I haven't seen the new Holmes, and I don't really care if I see it or not, so whatevs. I like this one because it's got Christopher Plummer as Holmes, and a great cast, including, lo and behold, Genevieve Bujold, who we were just thinking about the other day from her part as Anne in Anne of a Thousand Days. Anyway, they could have called this "Holmes Vs Jack the Ripper" or more appropriately "Holmes vs. the Freemasons" and that would have worked too. As much as I hate to say this, from the freemason angle, From Hell covered it better. Here it's like they started to explain it, and then they figured your mind would be so blown by the other revelations that you would forget that their explanation was full of crap.

That said, James Mason is a great older Watson, and they had a few amusing moments (one involves Holmes and his deadly scarf from India), but what really dates this film is the soundtrack (1979). I wish I could explain that early eighties generic music score that…well, the trailer shows it.

And there was something about "radicals" who hire Holmes in the first place (he is not hired by the police for obvs reasons), and they never really. I know what their interests was, political unrest and the overthrow of the monarchy. The film is a good Holmesian interpretation for me, and all the pieces of the plot were there, but they weren't attached. I don't like being spoon-fed, but it was like someone on Project runway cutting out the pattern for a garment and then taping it together instead of sewing it.

Cheri [TRAILER] I haven't read the work by Colette, but I liked the film. The trailer makes it seem lot more happy than it actually is, so I feel like I have to warn you that this is one of those "they're in love, they make mistakes, unmovable forces, societal conventions, blah blah" films. They do an amazing job of making Michelle Pfeiffer, who is a very soft fifty, look very much herself in the beginning, and then through just lighting and a little bit of makeup, her face becomes old in a way. Wrinkles etc. It's an interesting effect. You find yourself saying, "wow, she is looking old, when did that happen?" But I adored it and the ending, the ending, yes. And uhm, Rupert Friend is a little bit of eye candy indeed.

The Other Boleyn Girl I don't know. It was pretty? I read the book so long ago, and I read it in the middle of a blackout in August in Florida, so I might have been suffering from heatstroke. I liked the book at the time, but it's not historically accurate, if I recall. The film is…a whackjob's version of Boleyn history, like if they were desperate to make it about the fact that the Boleyn girls were about like, love and shit, and not about seducing the king to elevate their family's station. And the end is so cracktacular, I don't even know how they got away with it, actually.

In other news, they're remaking Barbarella with Rose McGowan. Yes, Virginia, there is a god.

movies, meme crappage, pron, torchwood, awards, i love everyone right now

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