GO READ THE twsecretsanta!

Dec 28, 2009 11:56

There was some hesitancy and debate about whether or not non participants were allowed to review the fic over there. OMG PLEASE DO SO. We won't be replying until after we've de-anoned, so don't get upset if we seem rude.

Anyway, here's a list of all the fic so far. I put the characters in the fics, and left out all the pairings. Deal.

ANON wrote The War at Home for amand_r (Jack. Gwen, Ianto, Rhys)
ANON wrote All The Best Stories Start With A Death for cruentum (Ianto, Jack)
ANON wrote Doctor's Orders for used_songs (Owen, Ianto, Tosh, Jack)
ANON wrote The Better Things for nancybrown (Ianto, Lois Habiba)
ANON wrote In This Time for electro_club (Andy, Ianto)
ANON wrote Great Balls Afire for blue_fjords (Jack, Rhys, Gwen, Ianto, Andy)
ANON wrote Nine Tenths of the Law for phaetonschariot (Jack, Ianto)
ANON wrote Cast no shadow for kel_reiley (Rhiannon, Jack)
ANON wrote We All Have to Start Somewhere for solsticezero (Gwen, Ianto)
ANON wrote hotaru no hikari (the light of fireflies) for xtricks (Tosh, Jack, early team)
ANON wrote Hearts (hand-made): 1.50 quid a piece for lionessvalenti (Ianto, Lisa, Jack, team)
ANON wrote Mind Your Language for lawsontl (Jack, Ianto, Gwen)


jamaica's got a bobsled team, writing fanfic, it pwns ypur brain, jack harkness's cock, john sparkle barrowman, lionessvalenti is the shit, tosh puts the p in perv, recs, john hart likes your smell, the awesome--let me show you it, fests, manhands, lisa is the biggest badass ever, every day is gwensday, rhys is stacked, torchwood, ianto jones is gay for you, why i love lisa

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