aslan is on the the move, and i've come here at last

Sep 09, 2009 10:45


A) Pick a fandom
B) Comment with that fandom's name and
C) I will tell you five pieces of my personal canon from that fandom.

Lemme guess how this will go:

Hrrrr……Highlander and Torchwood. I should just answer it now. No, pick a character or something. Don't just pick the fandom.

2. FIX YOUR GODDAMN TIES, I have become a crotchety old person.



Jack and Gwen's Great-Granddaughter [in chunks]:

"You want to come and see? The Hub?" she asks as she pulls her shirt on. He is laying in her bed, her bed, the bed of Gwen Cooper's grown up great granddaughter; he's watching her tits disappear under a fall of stretchy green nylon and just the idea of it makes him hard even as he watches it happen. It's also a little disconcerting. And something that he figures he might have to get used to if he cannot resist jaunts down memory lane, this running into the progeny of former…what was Gwen? Employee? Family? Love? Not lover, of course, but not for lack of wanting, he supposed. Is he fucking Myri because of that or in spite of it?

Even if Gwen had still been alive he wouldn't have asked her. Part of him wonders if Rhys is spinning in his grave like an express wagon wheel.


"Actually, I don't remember a lot about Grandmum-mum," she says, spooning the ice cream into her mouth and flipping the spoon distractedly. "But Mum said that she was always rather…liberal in what she thought was sexually acceptable." She winked. "Granddad fancied gents, and my mum, his daughter, you see, has three husbands." She uses finger quotes. "Puppy piles of love, you know."

Jack stares at her, because he's not following her at all. It's as if her brain has an internal monologue that he can only tune in to every two minutes or so before the signal fades and the broadcast goes on without him.

"I'm telling you what I think you helped us to be," she says, hitting his thigh. "Gwen Cooper's Torchwood was full of what they call Jackisms, and some of them had nothing to do with aliens." She smiles. "Well, something about shooting things in the face."

Jack grimaces. "What a legacy to leave," he mumbles, because that hadn't really been his intention. He's not happy with the turn of the conversation, because it's as if Torchwood had finally been remade into something, and it had been his image. That hadn't been his intention either, and it's slightly frightening.

What had he been able to impart to Gwen? Enough to build an organisation of slapdash operations and inter-office groping, perhaps. He endorses the groping.

Myri tilts her head. "Torchwood is different now, you know, since we're part of it all. Part of you know, space." She flings her arms out and ice cream flies off the spoon and splats on the wall. Myri doesn't see it, but he watches the mint green and chocolate slide down the eggshell colour of it. "The universe and everything." Jack doesn't tell her that they were always a part of it, they just didn't know it. He gets her anyway. Myri is disjointed and brilliant, really, just not good with utensils and words.


"We should have a kid," Myri says one day when they're sitting on the patio in the sun, and the beach is rolling up on the sand. Soon it will be close enough that they'll have to move the furniture if they want to stay dry. Jack picks at the crempogs on his plate with the business end of a butter knife. Myri drinks from the carton instead of the glass on the table and wipes her mouth with the back of her sleeve. It's…not at all sexy. Kind of gross, actually.

"Anyway," she adds. "it's a literary thing, us having a kid. To cement the circle of the romantic legacy with you and Grandmum-mum, you and Torchwood." She does not say 'of me and you,' he notices, and he is grateful. She smiles at him and glances out to the shore. "Like an Austen novel or some bullshit."

Jack is fairly sure Myri has never read an Austen novel in her entire life. "Don't people usually get married first?"

Myri wrinkles her nose when she glares at him. "What are you, some sort of traditionalist?"

He shakes his head and watches the gulls come in to pick up the half-eaten crempogs he's tossed out there. "I just think it requires more thought," he says, because this is the kind of conversation that leads to them wondering what they're doing here and Jack doesn't want to have that talk now.

Myri stands and sighs, walking away from him and down towards the water. Well that's too bad," she calls over her shoulder, "because we're having one."

Oh. Well.


I got no idea where this is going. These are just three of the sections I like.

5. omnijaxual, in case you are wondering, goes live today.


7. FAMILY PIMP. ijeremy, who I have been told is a fox, is my older brother. He lives very far away in a place called CALY FORN EE AH. Anyway, he is a film student/actor/artiste, and he has his own IMDB page. LOLOR5. He's done some episodes of Man, Moment, Machine for the History channel, so if you've ever seen that show, or it's on, and they show the one about Alexander Graham Bell, my brother is Watson (lots of close up time). I think he also plays Bobby Kennedy in another one. But I think all I remember is that he wears a white suit, and I just made Colonel Sanders jokes when I saw it. I'm his sister, I'm allowed to mock his achievements. You, however, are not.

Anyway, he's been in film school, and he made this short film called The Chase which I think is super neato (and which I think cements the fact that we have the same sense of humor) and won some award at a film festival. I think he won a bag of Fritos and a camera. But yesterday mum emailed me the link to his new commercial in which he is visible for about…point eight seconds, but hey! I saw him! He had lines!

It's for Kashi. Don't hold that against him. Unless he likes it. He's the executive in the glasses that, with a full mouth says, "This is really good. Yeah" (He also says, "Oh, wow!" when they get on the elevator, but I think I might be the only one who can hear it, since I know his voice.)! Hey, blueberry clusters! Whatevs, he gets PAID, people. OH WOW! LOLOR5.

Go marvel at his adorableless. You can wave your hands and say, "That's the brother of the girl who wrote that scatological fic that I secretly loved! Hello, brother of Amand-r! I LOVE YOUR SISTER'S FISTING SCENES!" You can wave, but that was recorded a while ago. He's not gonna answer you.

8. I made croissandwiches. It took a lot of time and I took food pics! I shall make a separate post soon.

links to stuff, babies!, holy shit, recipes, cc pick up that guitar and talk to me, writing fanfic, meta, crack, fandom, every day is gwensday, personal wiggety-wack, meme crappage, the

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