i've got a smoking jacket passed to me from granddaddy. it's made of bow and arrow meat.

Aug 21, 2009 10:42

1. Oh, P.F. Changs, my nemesis. Touche, fuckwad, touche.

2. So, okay, people, I read spiderine's A Close and Holy Darkness, and wow, did that not help my porn writing mojo. Spider. I am broke ded. Crue, everything you said, YOU WERE SO RIGHT. And everyone who was all, "WTF Amand-r, why have you not read it yet?" I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. All worship her kinkaliciousness. All shall love her and despair. And mouth fuck.

Lifty, you are next, man. I'mma hit that shit like the fin of an angry cod.

Also, only slightly related, but I'm starting to feel like my little corner of fandom is one big polygamous puppy pile. It feels like there everyone's fingers are everywhere. Not that way, sickos. Well, okay so maybe that way. LOL. NO.

3. When out for a walk yesterday with kidlet, I was at the top of this open field, the highest up we could go. The field was open and wide. We were the tallest things there. The clouds were heavy and dark, but I thought I'd hear the thunder. I told Viv it was time to go, and we started back, but then I heard it. Not thunder, but a loud rattle that sounded like animals coming through the trees on the forest line. It was rain. I just stood there and listened, because this is how the hurricanes start in Florida, or they did when I was there--the storm moves so quickly that it's like you're going into a car wash (I think I was outside for at least three hurricanes, and each one felt like standing exposed in front of the Ark of the Covenant. I swear. MARIAN! KEEP YOUR EYES SHUT! LOL.).

So anyway, I listened to it move towards us, and I saw that it was getting darker and darker, and then I saw the lightning and realised that we had nowhere to hide. I don't think I panicked, but I was pretty frightened. I grabbed niblet and ran, but regrettably, we were about a quarter mile from any shelter, or even a tree taller than we were. The whole time the rain was moving in the wind and soaking us and you could see huge wafting plumes of it fanning out like liquid sheets in the wind. I was freaking and trying not to run (like that would have made a difference, anyway), and the whole time the monster is giggling and going, "Is it cute? Ohhh, that's cute."

I have no idea what she was on about.

We finally made it to a pavilion and I sat there and wondered about the transient nature of things, and I might have twittered about it because I have to be jacked in all the time. And Viv chased the drowned out frogs and laughed and I watched the rain pouring off the pavilion eaves and realised that in the large and small of things, we are nothing but something to be steamrolled over, the planet trundles on regardless of us, and wow, isn't that a fucking satisfying thing.

And then Herself decided that was a great time to get nekkid. I might have joined her if I hadn't wanted to avoid police action.

4. Today's entry is brought to my the letter M, for maudlin.

5. adjovi, where is your ass? I NEED ME SOME D'S, SLAG.

6. To buy today: plane tix to the UK, hotel reservations, strap on.

7. To plan: FIC LIST, NEW COMM (Y'ALL HEARD ABOUT MAH FEST, RITE? ::sexy eyebrow wiggle, little teeth click::), VIRTUAL EPISODE OUTLINE.

8. I LOVE YOU ALL, and you dudes make me smile. That's nice. Spanking nice. But also Skittles nice.

9. Also? I'm amused and discomfited at how easy it is to make watersports sexy. So easy. Because that's my goal: make all kinks sexy. Also new goal" be moar protean. Not so much protozoan.

links to stuff, personal wiggety-wack, reaction posts, the awesome--let me show you it, fandom

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