i know what you want. the magpies have come.

Aug 20, 2009 10:56

1. Oh emquilxy, you find the best things: Arnold Schwartzenegger Does a Cooking Show

2. The socks went insane last night, and it was lovely. I had to put my ass on tumble dry after 11 pm, but I hope the party continued on.

3. I feel bleaugh about everything this week. I try to read Erdrich's book, and I know that I should fucking love it, because she's ( Read more... )

links to stuff, torchwood, music, writing fanfic, porn, why i love lisa

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lawsontl August 20 2009, 18:29:23 UTC
Oh, no, not flowers. I've seen worse than flowers. I've LIVED through worse.

No, and when y'all visit, you can see (at least in theory, cos it's long gone). My teeny tiny upstairs bathroom had mallards. Not ducklings, not rubber duckies, but MALLARDS. Big honking navy blue, hunter green and burgundy frakkin' mallards. My bathroom is big enough for a toilet, a sink and a tub, with enough room to spin around between them (I only barely exaggerate). And it had mallards. At eye level when you were on the throne. Along with two tiny post-lamps that looked like someone stole them from a carriage house (without bothering to bring the electricity - they used 15w candelabra bulbs), and all oak fixtures. And, at the time, it was the only bathroom in the house. Were these people BLIND?

I laugh at those shows where those wusses walk through houses and say they could never buy them because some room's color is wrong or the wallpaper is ugly. Dude, Home Depot/Lowe's - they don't even card you.

Anyhow, one day, while partaking of said loo, I sat there and decided I'd had enough of the mallards. And I leaned forward (not much, as I said, small bathroom), and PULLED THE BLOODY MALLARDS RIGHT OFF THE WALL. The only part I regretted was not being able to flush them down with everything else when I was finished.

The 1970's harvest gold linoleum took a bit more effort. I actually had to pull my pants back up for that.

It's now all white aside from the vintage 60's fixtures, with about 800000 watts of lighting, so it's so bright it almost hurts your eyes in the morning. It's cruel and unforgiving, and it looks about four times bigger. It also shows every last bit of cat fur (I will NEVER do white grout again), but other than that, I love the SHIT out of fit.

Next up: the Pepto pink wallpaper and avocado green countertops from the kitchen!


amand_r August 20 2009, 18:34:39 UTC
I laugh at those shows where those wusses walk through houses and say they could never buy them because some room's color is wrong or the wallpaper is ugly. Dude, Home Depot/Lowe's - they don't even card you.

Word. My cousin bought a house at an estate sale for a steal. And they had wallpaper on the ceilings. The CEILINGS.


lawsontl August 20 2009, 18:40:41 UTC
It's called WALLpaper people, not CEILINGpaper!

I decided one thing, though, after removing wallpaper from that bathroom and the upper half of my kitchen. That removing it, getting rid of all the glue residue, and repriming the walls is just not worth it. I find it much easier and giving much better results to just TEAR OUT THE DRYWALL, wallpaper and all.

Especially when you factor in that my dining room once had Z-brick. Remember that stuff? It was like brick walls that came on a roll. For that authentic faux brick look. They put Z-brick under the CHAIR RAIL. Nevermind that a room that small should never be divided by a chair rail to begin with. Z-brick! And that was on TOP of other layers of wallpaper. And when they decided they didn't like the Z-brick anymore, they just left the brick patterned glue and put PAPER SIZING over it, and put MORE WALLPAPER OVER THAT. I had like 1/4 inch of wallpaper archaeology to work through before I ever hit wallboard. So, yeah. Meet Mr. Sledgehammer. After one evening, we had drywall up. Next evening, we had it mudded and primed.

God, my house has stories.


amand_r August 20 2009, 18:43:07 UTC
I like when people lay lino over lino over hard wood. O_o?


lawsontl August 20 2009, 18:47:05 UTC

ANYTHING over real hardwood should be punishable by death.

I still occasionally twinge at the nail holes in my hardwood where the last owners who had it just before me put carpet over all the hardwood so their ickle grandbaby wouldn't fall down go boom.

THEY DIDN'T EVEN CLEAN THE FLOOR FIRST. They laid the carpet right over the baby milk spills and crayon marks. So when I pulled up the carpet (I was dressed this time, swear, but it was barely better planned than the toilet wallpaper removal), I not only had hours to spend pulling up tack strips, I then had to cuddle and love the wood for days with Murphy's Oil to get it back into shape. We still need to refinish the master bedroom, but the DR, LR and hall are OK. Refinished the guest room already.


amand_r August 20 2009, 18:48:57 UTC
The hardwood floors in our house desperately need to be redone. But I kind of like the distressed look.


lawsontl August 20 2009, 18:51:59 UTC
Distressed is good, if you work with it instead of against it. :)


amand_r August 20 2009, 18:52:48 UTC
I usually do!


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