Fic Rec: What Time Do You Get Off? by 51st Century Foxymama

Aug 15, 2009 16:08

So, I have nothing to say to you day, except that 51stcenturyfox wrote wanking porn, and you should go read it. In it, we discover some things that we already know, but which bear repeating:

Jack is a sucko fuck. Really. We all knew it, and that's okay.
Tosh is trapped.
Ianto cannot separate work from leisure.
Owen is secretly sad and yet-
Suzie is fucked in the head and full of awesome.
Gwen is amazingly normal. And put upon.

Go read it. Right now. Because there are images integrated and they are fantastic. See the very end for something cool.

What Time Do You Get Off?

torchwood, recs

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