back to actual blogging and crap

Aug 13, 2009 10:02

1. FUCK YEAH SHARKS has their own tribute to John Hughes.


Me: (puts kid in bed)
Her: The bears?
Me: (piles every bear she owns on top of her torso) Yes?
Her: Bears?
Me: (looking at the pile) These are all the bears.
Her: (wailing) The beeeeeeeears!
Me: (O_o)
Her: (gibberish ending in "the bears")
Me: (moves a panda bear two inches closer to her face) Like this?
Her: Okay.


THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARS. (Imagine I sang that, Victoria de los Angeles style)

3. So last night I had a fandom playdate with azarias, who is awesome and lovely and has some of the most awesome ideas about DW and TW, and is friends with someone I know from a different fandom, therefore proving that we are a VERY SMALL COMMUNITY, no matter how far apart we seem. We met in a neutral location, just in case one or the other of us was crazy, and managed to eat a great Thai dinner around screams of, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS RUSTY THINKING?!" and "OH. MY. GOD. JB. NO." Then we went for coffee, which is a lot less complicated than it sounds, since Starbucks was right next door. But we sat outside and she sold me on The Authority again, and we talked about what a horrible ship Alan Moore/Tori Amos would be, and how Mark Millar needs to be bludgeoned a little bit.

Also, she has a Van Helsing fic she's working on THAT SHE SHOULD FINISH (yeah girl, I'm looking at you!). She listened to me blather on, and SHE EVEN LAUGHED AT MY JACK/JOHN SCAT FIC IDEA. BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME. Or because it made her nervous. Hrm.

We also think Kenneth Branaugh would be a great Thor, esp. if he'd more like Ultimates Thor.


gypsylady: Top Five Inappropriate Responses.

1. Oh, I'm sorry, is she in a coma? (High Fidelity)
2. I like slappin' em. (Firefly)
3. It was like a meat party in my mouth! (Buffy)
4. Party in my eye socket and everyone's invited! (Buffy)
5. Listen to me, you cock guzzling thunder cunt! (Weeds)

kittiword: Top Five fics that had you walk away with a new perspective, whether it be canon/fanon perspective, life etc. Basically fics that really made you think.
I'm really bad at this, because I remember things for the wrong reasons, but I'm going to dig into my fannish history for hallmarks.

1. HIGHLANDER: Eng's Chaos Chronicles, which I am fairly sure I wouldn't be able to read now, were the first major fanfic that I ever read online, and it was massive. It reinvented Immortals, and where they came from, it redefined the lines of Duncan's sexuality, and it was so confusing at time that I had no idea what was going on, and at some point? I think Methos was taken to a stables and tied up and broken like the horse I the horse whisperer. Yeah, I dunno, but it changed the way I looked at fanfic, as in, "wow, this is huge. You can take canon and CHANGE it so much that it's like, not even canon anymore" (I believe we call those AUs now, but SHUT UP. I WAS YOUNG).

2. THE X-MEN (AND WHOLE MARVEL UNIVERSE, ACTUALLY): X-Manson, by Dr. Benway. I can't even tell you what the fic did to me. It's done in documentary format, and as it unfolds, you get the picture, through countless stories, eyewitness accounts and interviews of Charles Xavier as a Jim Jones/Charles Manson cult leader with a gristly agenda, and the thing is, it works Never once is it OOC, never once does it leave the realm of possibility. It's fucking disturbing and I think that anyone who loves the X-men universe should take it on, because it's one of those fics that pulls from ALL OVER THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, and if you're a nerd like I am, you squee when authors effectively use the cast of thousands.

3. HARRY POTTER: Fly-fishing for Beginners by Jay Tryfanstone. Jay has always been a eclectic writer, but this was the first of her that I read that changed the way I thought about addressing the viewer. I love narrator-viewer dialogue, but have seen very little of it done well (Gaston Leroux, I'm looking at you, you bastard). That made me stop to think about the way that I structure my fics, and the way that fanfic doesn't have to sacrifice quality (which I always knew, but sometimes have to be reminded of) just because it's, you know, fanfic. Srsly, I have to be reminded of that every now and then.

4. TORCHWOOD: Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness by Frostfire. This is actually fairly recent, but it makes the list because it's Jack/CHEWBACCA. Let me explain why this broke my world-it redefines sexy for me. Like, Okay, I'm not going to bang Chewbacca any time soon, and the fact of the matter is, BEFORE this fic, I didn't really wonder where little Wookies came from, etc etc. But Jack, Jack sees things, even things that aren't like him, and he sees their inherent…sensual value. And that is genuinely something I admire. I don't feel filthy or inappropriate by saying that there are aesthetic preferences, and then there are aesthetic preferences, and I would like to be more like Jack-open to everything, because I see the value in it for what it is, and not because I have developed biases against something over time..

The fic made me think about things that I find unattractive in the same sex and the opposite sex. Why don't I like body hair? Why can't I get over that? Body hair is sexy, on men and women. What else do I have trouble with that are simply parts of a person/creature/individual? Is there something actually wrong with that part, or do I just not like it? why don't I like it? Was I raised that way? Blah blah blah. I am sure you are all more enlightened than I, oh flist.

Jack fucks the Wookie. End of story.

5. I….I can't think of a five. :(

crowie: Top 5 on screen kisses!

1. Species: Natasha Henstridge and the other dude. The one who loses his head BECAUSE HER TONGUE POPS OUT THE BACK OF IT.
3. The Office: Michael and Oscar have the most awkward kiss ever.
4. Interview With the Vampire: Louis/Claudia awkward kiss. Mmmmm
5. Every kiss Brian and Justin ever had on Queer as Folk, the American version.

5. FUCK YEAH NEIL PATRICK HARRIS is officially my favorite blog of the week.

6. I haven't seen Monsoon Wedding in years, but with the seemingly-constant rain and my daughter continuing to pick my neighbour's marigolds and being them to me (eep! sorry, neighbours!), I find myself thinking of the minor character of Dubey the wedding planner, who is a stressed out, rather socially awkward and yet obnoxious man who is jaded from planning so many weddings and yet never falling love himself. In the film, he falls for one of the servant girls, Alice, on sight. They spend most of the film never really talking, but they kind of make cow eyes at each other (or rather, he makes them at her), and I am stuck by the memory of him watching her from across the yard, and eating marigolds which, IIRC are supposed to settle the trembling heart. Aside from that meaning I know there are others, but that's an image Nair sticks me with, and Jesus, is it beautiful and wistful, and I kind of wish for it in some ways.

When I'm all romantic and not, like, writing scatfic.

links to stuff, fanfic, star wars, viola, highlander, fandom, jaws, personal wiggety-wack, meme crappage, torchwood, harry potter

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