how come they only fix the bridge after someone has fallen off?

Jul 17, 2009 11:30


I have to say, the whole Marianne-Tara-Eggs thing is getting really boring, and so is the Sam/Daphne thing. It's a shame because that's a huge part of the arc plot, and I'm just not feeling it. However, I have a love on for Kenya here. Hai, what is the song that plays at Tara's party? The one everyone gets wasted to? Also, I like that we finally get to see some REAL maenad magic.

On the other hand, the Jason thing is heating up. Do you think that Rev. Archer and Sarah are deliberately playing on her sexuality to draw him in? Or is this something that he's just indulging in himself?

And the Sookie-Bill-Jessica in Dallas line? I AM IN LOVE, and it's because of Jessica. I love that the show created her. It brings a whole level to the show, access to vampires that we wouldn't have gotten. And that's adorable. Jessica trapped in the travel coffin=LOL. I had completely forgotten about HOTEL CARMILLA and ANUBIS AIRLINES.

Bill: "I am a vampire. I'm supposed to be tormented." LOLORS, BILL.

Jason: "Evil is making the premedicated choice to be a dick." HEEEHEHEEEHE.

Drunk Sookie is three shades of adorable: "I've always loved these!" (holding tiny bottle of liquor) "It's like booze for dolls" (pause, big Anna drunken smile) "They gave me ten!"

Bill: "What should I call [Jessica]?"
Sookie: "Oooh! Your ward! Like Bruce Wayne!"

Worry: Lafayette. Noting good can come of this, despite his "recovery" LOLOR5. "What Sookie finds meaningful, I find…curious." OH ERIC. ILU.


2. Mum is off at Azkatraz, and I am sorry that I am not there with you guys. I have other fish to fry, apparently, like this tilapia in SPICY PEANUT SAUCE. Okay, so I'm a little bummed that I'm not going, but really, I couldn't. With going to DC next weekend, then the CoE party hopefully later in the summer (PLEASE PEOPLE. I WILL BRING BEER), I cannot shove Herself off on anyone more than that. And then in October I go to the UK. And I need to start planning that soon, because seriously people, other than Hub 3, I don't have any destinations in mind, let alone reservations. WHEREVER SHALL I GO? WHATEVER SHALL I DO?

Don't tell me that I am going to fondle smirnoffmule. ::eyeroll:: That is a given. Unless s/he doesn't want me to. But s/he will. I will have two katanas and a crush on Bea Arthur. OH AND ALSO, I KNOW HOW TO GET AROUND COCKBLOCKING BEANS (not to be confused with block-rocking beats). THE SECRET IS TO GO ONTO THE OTHER ROOM.

I smell hostels in my future. SHIT.

3. Lionessblack: Is that what grownups do? Get boywhores?
Amand-r: I guess. I wouldn't know.
Lionessblack: I know very little about being a grownup.
Amand-r: I am apparently incapable of getting laid. I have a whole FLIST FULL OF PEOPLE WHO OFFER BECAUSE THEY ARE ON OTHER CONTINENTS.

4. The following was overheard at Chinghaus: "He's like…the Alton Brown of Skinemax."

5. Have you ever put on a red shirt and olive pants, and then had to change your clothes because you think you look too much like Christmas?

6. Is anyone watching Weeds, S5? Because UGH, AND YAY! AND AAAAAH.

7. Tonight I take kidlet to the circus: Murder Under the Big Top!

personal wiggety-wack, chit-chat, true blood, cons

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