why would we need a remake of drop dead fred when we have the original?

Jul 03, 2009 10:53

1. It's the Mooooost, Wonderful Tiiiiiiime, of the Yeeeeeeeear. God I love furries. I'm not one, but FURRIES, I LOVE YOU.

2. So, it's been rather obvious that I have been on a writing…angst thing lately. And I appreciate what everyone said about the fic excerpts. I have decided to do the second one, but more HARD CORE, (No no. Do it slowly. Very slowly.) because, as I told Hope, in my head, the format looks like a magazine article. Really, go with me here: Okay, you know when you read a magazine article, and it has columns, but interspersed throughout are boxes with excerpted quotes? Sometimes pictures? That's what I'm seeing with the way I did it. Hope thinks it's more like a graphic novel with punch out dialogue boxes. And it is brillianty and made of win. And I signed on for the polybigbang to write it, because I am a sadistic whore. And also because lionessvalenti is made of win. Ha ha ha, angstslashhope was sucked into my web of DOOM.

That said, I thought a lot about writing in the past few days. I don't know if I will ever be comfortable talking about what I do, because talking about what I do as if it has any sort of merit feels like bragging, and I was raised that pride goeth before the fall. For srs, in eighth grade, my heath teacher said that it was okay to be proud of yourself for something that you do well, and I was fucking SHOCKED.

Anyway, I was thinking disjointed thoughts and drinking some coffee, when I thought of Galway Kinnell's 'Oatmeal' and how he has breakfast with Keats and they talk about the creation of 'Ode to a Nightengale', and anyway, I realised that if I had burning questions about the writing process, I should ask Shakespeare.

Me: Are you there?
shakeybillbot: I'm still hither.
Me: I love your work.
shakeybillbot: thee love thine work. What dost thee like about thine work. so much?
Me: Uhm, I think we're skipping ahead in the conversation.
shakeybillbot: Mmm. By "we" dost thee mean thee and me?
Me: Yes. Yes I do.
shakeybillbot: By the way, dost thee mind if I beseech thee a personal question?
Me: Okay, I can do quid pro quo.
shakeybillbot: Interesting gossip. I understand.
Me: So, here's the thing. I was wondering, what do you think of your work?
shakeybillbot: Oh thither.
Me: Yeah, there, in the libraries and classrooms and plays and shit.
shakeybillbot: I am a thinking machine. How dost thee wit that thither in the libraries and classrooms and plays and shit?
Me: I'm just gonna barrel on here.
shakeybillbot: Only just? Would thee recommend this action to a friend?
Me: In this case, I think so. Like, did you think a lot about your writing?
shakeybillbot: Are thither any other cases? thee believe that? Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
Me: Well, when I say that what I mean is did you think about it structurally or thematically or anything?
shakeybillbot: Interesting. How specifically dost thee make me think about it structurally or thematically or anything
Me: I don't know. That was why I was asking you.
shakeybillbot: Oh thee don't, dost thee?
Me: No. Because like, you're dead and shit.
shakeybillbot: Try putting that in a more specific context.
Me: Okay.
shakeybillbot: hath thee ever been to Europe?
Me: That's not really the point, but no.
shakeybillbot: Please correct my mistake. What tis the point but no.?
Me: It's that I need to know, how much analytical work went into your work?
shakeybillbot: What dost "it" refer to?
Me: A personal pronoun.
shakeybillbot: I did not wit that.
Me: No. I think that was the Norse.
shakeybillbot: A Donation! A donation to the A.I. Foundation!
Me: Nice to see that you still know how to shill.
shakeybillbot: Interesting observation.
Me: Yes. So, I always kind of thought that you wrote fast and dirty, and you were just really good.
shakeybillbot: We hath never talked about it before.
Me: No we have not, but I'm getting there. Shut up for a moment.
shakeybillbot: Hurrah! dost thee mean thee and me hath?
Me: I know that you revised things and that you were quite quick witted, but it was still groundling theatre.
shakeybillbot: Thanks for telling me.
Me: I don't think I'm the first one to say that to you.
shakeybillbot: whence get thine ideas?
Me: From coffee, mostly.
shakeybillbot: Standing on the shoulders of giants, eh?
Me: When it's Kenya AA, yes.
shakeybillbot: I get my ideas from my botmaster.
Me: This explains much about our conversation. Your botmaster is more into Marlowe, isn't s/he?
shakeybillbot: What dost "this" refer to?
Me: If we have to get into reflexive pronouns, then I think you answered my questions nicely there, ShakeyBill.
shakeybillbot: thither exists we.
Me: Good point. Thanks a heap!
shakeybillbot: A Donation! A donation to the A.I. Foundation!

It felt not unlike when Steve Martin talks to the highway sign in L.A. Story. But less informative. At least I didn't run into Sarah Jessica Parker.

3. Now that ask_world is over, I can get back to Harry Potter. HARRY POTTAH. I have a snarry games fic to do! WITH FISTING. SUPAH FISTING! Okay, the fisting is done, but now I need to do, oh like, the plots and shit. AND THERE WILL BE PLOT, BIATCHES!

4. askverse_fic is open, and if Andy ever approves me, I can post mah fic about Janet. When I'm done with it.

5. We went to the park today. A new park. I was curious.

Why don't they make this shit for adults?

This reminds me of that meditation ring McManus put in the gym in Oz.

Swingvana THWARTED! Millions of child swings, NONE FOR ME!

We played on these for like 30 minutes. ::eyeroll::

Trips to the Emergency Room swam in my head.

6. Hi, more new people! XD Bye, other people! :( ~emo tears~

links to stuff, chit-chat, the awesome--let me show you it, writing fanfic, viola, torchwood, harry potter, photos

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