Day Two in productive blogging. No, really!

May 26, 2009 16:15

Blogging by numbers:

1. For the love of god, can someone explain the meaning of 'pimps down; hos up'?

2. Why aren't more people giving edIT money? GIVE HIM MONEY, PEOPLE.

3. If I was a Vulcan, I'd want my name to be T'Porn. Still.

4. I am stuck in a Thai food rut: Tom Ka Gai and Tod Mon Pla. STILL.

5. Both of the above sound like awesome Pokemon.

6. It is raining here. I'm wearing a sweater. A sweater. This is made of win.

7. I don't know if I informed all those who knew, but the quest for insurance is over. My appeal was accepted, and I now have insurance with the kidlet for five hundred dollars less a month than I was paying before. WTF. I should have done this ages ago.

8. So, those who are on SS get a $250 stimulus in June. I don't know what the point of that is. BUT, I thought about it, and I have decided that I am going to STIMULATE the economy. ::makes the finger fucking gesture:: If you know what I mean. So far, I have blown $100 on this. And WOW. Okay, so I guess I should offer a review.

So I don't have a lot of experience with vibrators, people. This is the first one I have ever owned. Don't look at me funny; I have reasons. Usually it's because I had a live thing to deal with, but now not so much.

The cone is not….penetrative. The base of it is 7.5 inches in diameter. THIS IS JUST FINE WITH ME. It has 16 settings, and you can cycle through them, or just cut straight to level 16, aka "ORGASM," and I say that with humor, because really, it's terrifying. I think I laughed hysterically the whole time. WHUM WHUM WHUM WRRRRRRRRRRRR WHUM WHUM WHUM NGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGT. It takes 3 C batteries. THREE C BATTERIES.

Am I glad I bought it? Oh yeah. It's fun. If you're happy with your vibrator (I just couldn't get the rabbit thing, mostly because of the rabbit ON THE VIBRATOR. NO, PEOPLE, NO INTERSPECIES EROTICA FOR ME.), then I'd say, well, no, it's pricey. But if you see the website, they have a few neat ideas, especially for couples. It's easily washable.

NITPICK: the company, which I believe is British (and I don't know if that is the reason here), has incorrectly described the threading in the instructions. When trying to unscrew the bottom to get to the battery slot, I ended up tightening it. Because in America, it's RIGHTY-TIGHTY, LEFTY-LOOSY. And that is how it's threaded. So if you get one, disregard the instructions and do it the American way.

With my plan to STIMULATE the economy well underway, I plan to blow the rest of it on booze and hookers. No really, probably more toys and decent lube.

9. My mum is currently on her way to Alnwick Castle, doing Harry Potter squeeing and in general being adorable. Something about Wales (no cannibals! Hooray!) and puppies. For those of you who follow her exploits as joanwilder, here is a pic of her up to no good.

10. She also sent me a pic of my future house.


personal wiggety-wack, sex toys, photos, my undying love of chali 2na

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