Ficlet: HL x YnM (When Methos met Muraki, slash)

Dec 26, 2007 22:04

Drabble for elistaire (HL x YnM) Prompt: A little Methos and Muraki action.

Warning: The whole thing is in second person. The scenes are in different tenses. I don't know what that means. Possibly that I am an ARTISTE! Possibly that I suck. Oh, and there's sex and a head. Srsly.

A Man of White )

crossover, fanfic, yami no matsui, highlander

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darthhellokitty April 15 2008, 18:47:44 UTC
My GOD - what kind of idiot goes home with MURAKI? OK, never mind, the story makes that clear. This is both creepy and wrongly hilarious.

I hate Muraki, so I love a story that shows him in a bad light. XD

And DEFINITELY, have Tatsumi pick up Methos for tea and blow jobs. Because eep, you have to do SOMETHING about that kind of trauma.


amand_r April 15 2008, 18:49:08 UTC
Thanks. Yeah, I wish there was more good evil!Muraki fic.

Is this recced somewhere or something?

Yeah, I started the Tatsumi/Methos thing. It's on the back burner for at least a week.


darthhellokitty April 15 2008, 20:58:05 UTC
I'm boggled by the many people who love Muraki. I mean, he molested and killed Hisoka, nice hair does NOT make up for that!


p_zeitgeist April 15 2008, 23:22:57 UTC
*tries to resist Discussion In Comments; fails miserably*

I'm boggled by the people who want to write him as somehow a nice guy who just needs love. Why pick a villain rather than a decent person to write about if you don't find the part where he's evil interesting?

-- All of which is to say, I'm personally very fond of manga!Muraki, but I suspect that I don't actually disagree with you, not even a little.


darthhellokitty April 16 2008, 15:30:45 UTC
Yeah, I have thew anime,but I also own boatloads of the manga, and I think I like him there more.


amand_r April 16 2008, 15:32:10 UTC
My bad, that was me!


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