Jul 13, 2004 23:41
i totally know how jessy feels when she says that she misses star island. i miss st. louis (nights) so freaking bad that it almost puts some people here to shameeeeeeeee. booooooo blob blob.
i wish i went to my sisters house instead of thinking i would go out to night when i ended up not going out tonight. i havent seen lani in days.
i figured out that planning things with friends, other than a movie or something, doesnt really work; so i guess being somewhat spontaneous and just calling to do something 20 minutes prior to the call is more probable then saying the old, " i'll give you a call tomorrow".
out of everyone i thought that i would be dying to go back to those high school days but st louis made me realize that theres more to life than just hanging out with the same friends every single day/night of your life and that there are other people across the nation, and the world even, who dont front. in fact i wanna be in jersey with them right now.
my abercrombie phase is OVA for now. thank god. i need to vary my horizons so for now, abercrombie can kiss my ass.
thursday night i wanna see a movie. for right now, its just me who is going, so if anyone wants to come see something with me that night, please let me. otherwise, im just gonna force myself to go watch a movie by myself, which if you think about, is something i have never done before and it'll be fun. (amy flash? jessy?)
where the helllllll is rebecca martinez?