May 22, 2009 11:41
I was going to start off by talking about work but
asdkjng'klnefg;kmsda SHINEE'S NEW MV IS OUT. FUCK TO THE YEAH!
Anyways, It's loading so I'm typing.
I got to hang out with Alex. It was awesome. My dad made fun of me for hanging out with a 16 year old. I warned Alex about his jokes, of course he made them.
We spent like 3 hours talking about books. I downloaded the audio versions and uploaded them on mediafire for her. Oh Alex if your reading this, I finished uploading Sandrys Book.
I ripped my SJM cd and will be putting it up there as well. I need to get some money to Sara so I can give her money for SUJU 3rd album repackage and since I bought a camera off of her.
Alex and I get to hang out this weekend because I'm off. We are making an epik Rp. It's going to be awesome. It will be my first time rping as more than one character.
I need to get my hair cut soon. I'm cutting it like Henry's for the Kpop party thingy.
We also need to go hit up Value Village.
I'm getting really upset with one of my co-workers. I like to be early for everything. But if I show up early, she leaves early. She also doesn't do anything. I spent six hours cleaning the store room last night when she could have at least put stuff in the coolers. I didn't get to eat supper till 9pm, which made a very grumpy Rosanna.
I also realized, I hate when men call me hun or babe. It's quite annoying. Especially when they do it while they are high or drunk. THere was a creepy dude yesterday. He asked me to call him a cab. Then he stood staring at me until his cab came. A customer asked me to call the police but he didn't do anything but stare so I stayed in front of my panic button and didn't move just in case.
I think that's about all the news I got.
alrighty then
love ya'll
creepy people are creepy,
gifts for me,