A Takarazuka post!! O.O

Oct 19, 2011 15:01

I really like Sou.

I can't begin to know how I'd feel if she decided to..... ..... STUFF.



I am not crazy.
Just.... blah. My intuition is attacking me again. But maybe it's wrong. It totally could be. :(

Also... I was looking through hanagumi, to see what kinds of otokoyaku they have. You know, if I am going to be spending more time there and such. And... I feel disappointed. I hang my hopes on Nozomi Fuuto. Also, Tsukio Kazusa. But still....

You know, I'm still devasted by Maiya Seika suddenly retiring!!! Sheeesh. I mean............... come ON. That SUCKS. I'm really sad, you know. :(

Well, atleast, I really love the new poster and things for Resurrection, or whatever it is called. The Russian looking one, with the snow and the train and stuff. Very pretty!!♥

OH oh oh!! Natsumi You Kumichou DOES make me excited! Weeee. ^_^

And yes I still love love love hoshigumi. A LOT. I think it's still like my main troupe. I don't have a CLUE what's happened to tsuki. I guess it all depends on a lot of different factors at the same time... things that are always changing.

There are a TON of people in hoshi I love. Still some in tsuki. And really, I get excited over individual shows, too. Like, Nijinsky!? I mean, I can safely say I'm not a yuki person, but omg do I want to see that. And actually, I AM a Chigi & Kitarou fan. But I guess that's just not enough to make me a yuki person.

And why am I not a sora person?! I mean, Tomu was there, too. And Yuuhi. And Hasumi Yuuya and Houshou Dai and omg Yuumi Hiro!! ♥
And now Ouki Kaname. Hmm... maybe I will start to like sora more? it's like there's this inpenetrable force field around it, stopping me from coming in, or something. Yeah I know I'm weird, I guess. But that's how I feel... cuz, why AM I not a sora person then, when I like hanagumi even though there's, like... Tomu & Sou as the main people I like? Nozomi Fuuto is cool, but I can't say I've paid much attention to her.
Well, I guess the same for Houshou Dai, Hasumi Yuuya... I haven't paid much attention to them either. But still. Okay NOW I'm rambling....

But wait~ in each troupe I only have favourites of like, 4-5 people and in hoshi and tsuki I like 6, which is like only one more than the other troupes. This is all on average, of course. But um... yeah. I don't understand my mind.

I just like who I like and what I like, when I like, the end.

Trying too hard to be like everyone else, all like "I pledge my loyalty and allegiance to *this specific troupe* or *this specific sienne*" is hard for me. I guess I'd rather let things happen organically, and such. We'll see....

What I really want to do right now is watch hanagumi's NEW Phantom. Not just for Tomu, but to spot my poor cute musume baby OG. Now that's someone I WAS all ready to support forever and ever and ever.... *pout*

takarazuka, tsukio kazusa, natsumi you, yukigumi, yuuhi, nozomi fuuto, kitarou, maiya seika, hoshigumi, sagiri seina, soragumi, ouki kaname, hanagumi, sou kazuho, nijinsky, yuumi hiro, otokoyaku, houshou dai, tsukigumi

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