Oh, my growing DVD wishlist of wants (and maybes...)!!!

May 02, 2009 20:55

So far, DVD's I'm thinking of buying... this is my maybe/contemplating list.
I have no idea if they're all available and if so, if they will play on my DVD player?

Seal of Roses ~ though I don't know about the music. I really, really want to get a performance with awesome, catchy music that I could listen to over and over again. Atleast for my first DVD, maybe. Oh I don't know... everything else in it seems like something I'd like.

Phantom ~ Maybe the one with Osa. I really, really love the music! Though it's really sad... and I've seen most of it... but then again, that's how I know I'd want it. I also want to try the sora version, but, do I really want to pay so much just to get the almost exact same thing?? Eeeeh....

Ghost at Midnight ~ if that is what it's called. I have to look into it more, but from I saw (and read) it looks pretty cool. Plus, Hana and Wao are in it, and I want a performance with them.

Wao concert (2007) ~ I really want this eventually.

Elizabeth ~ Umm... which version/s? I have no idea. And do I want more than one version? Yeah. Do I want to pay so much, again, for the same performance? Maybe... since they are all acted out a bit differently, and so on. Who knows... it'll be hard deciding which one to get first though.

Great Sports Day ~ Yes, I might want this I think. Maybe...

Rose of Versailles ~ Yes, I will eventually want this. Which version I have NO clue!! Oh well, I don't think I want this right away, so I have time to think...

Rome at Dawn ~ yeah, I think I really want to get this! I surprised myself with that, really. But this is the one with that scene with Yuuhi... where basically, all she's doing is standing around, gazing at things... and sitting/lying around, gazing at things/people... and I could watch just that, all day. Also, it has many other sienne's that I know and love, the story is one I know, the aftershow thingy looks mighty awesome! Atleast the clip I saw, with the green costumes, amazing music, and Yuuhi swinging her hips in that way that I've always liked. XD No really, I noticed that in Elizabeth 05, how she does that and differently than everyone else, like... ooh, I am enjoying this... in that kind of a way. Anyway, so I might want this.

T4 concert ~ I think I saw a DVD of this... maybe? If so, I may really want it. The money though... ow, it hurts... but... for Saeko and Wataru alone it may be worth it... maybe...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Not as high on the list, but may move up quickly at any time:

Lost Angel ~ seems pretty cool. A really cool story idea, and from the clip I saw, beautiful organ music!
Lucifer's Tears ~ seems cool, too. Plus, it has Mizu, right?
Romeo & Juliette ~ also has Mizu, and it's... Romeo and Juliette!?? But I haven't heard much talk of it... maybe it's not the best...?
The Legend ~ I think I will want this eventually. Which version? Who knows, maybe both.... argh. XD
Never Say Goodbye ~ would be cool to have, since it's Wao and Hana's last show, and I've seen that one dance from it. Not sure if I want it that badly though... but things may change.
Silver Wolf ~ maybe. It seems kinda cool, but I have to check it out a bit more.
Wuthering Heights ~ seems cool, and Wao is in it.
The Brother's Karamazov ~ looks pretty awesome!
In Quest of the Blue Bird/Dream Kingdom ~ but... it might be mainly for the Dream Kingdom, which looks awesome and has that super hot scene in it. I read the synopsis for the blue bird story though, and it does seem cool.

~ ~ ~
I need to look into these ones more:

El Halcon
Calaf & Turandot (with Hana)
Carmen (and whatever the whole long name is...)

So, that's it so far.

* I think I need some with Wataru!! I mean, one or more with Wataru as the lead, or second lead, and showing off her awesome hotness and extreme talent!! *

* * * * *
Oh, and I know NOTHING of these yet, so I have no idea whether they interest me:

Frozen Tomorrow
Red Tomb
Immortal Thorns
Tha Last Party
Hollywood Lover
Taiou Shijinki

So.............. I need to give myself some TIME to decide!!! Like, oh wow. Well it's good it's Golden week. I'm waiting till after that to even think of ordering something...
And I'm thinking maybe every second month I'll get something. I'm on a budget... which zuka is now a huge part of... but, I will need a few months to watch my DVD's a million times over to get my money's worth!! So, this could work out... I'll put money aside every month, and then get something every second month... except for now... because I need something now!!! (just watch me buy something every few weeks... every few days...) no that won't happen. No... no for real it won't! It won't.

And um, yeah no way am I getting all of these!! Unless I sell my soul. But the ones further up the list... yeah... definitely. No wait I want them all. Everything. *sigh*

lists, takarazuka, dvd's

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