Aug 19, 2010 04:08

OMGWTFBBQ.... I missed both Mizu's and Beni's birthdays. Oooooops. :(

(because if I internet yell loud enough they will hear me) XD

Also, I was going to say other stuff... but I forgot. So I guess I have nothing else to say, until I remember... it's bugging me; I'm sure I had atleast three other things to say. Hmm....

oh yeah ~ it's all Touko's fault. I  blame it on her. *shifty eyes*
Wait why the shifty eyes? I didn't do anything!! Weird. OMG I think I need to sleep... before I make even more sense. Blah.

mizu, takarazuka, happy birthday, aran kei, kurenai yuzuru

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