Happy death day, Fritjof

May 13, 2010 10:21

Today it's 80 years since Fridtjof Nansen died at his home Polhøgda, today the home of the Fritjof Nansen Institute.
We could do with a few more of his kind.

It's also Ascension Day, which is a bank holiday in Norway.  So we're having a lazy day.  Wonderful.  School is closed tomorrow, and hubby has the day off as well.  Then on Monday is 17. May - our constitution day, when the streets are filled with marching children and bands.  But no military parades or fireworks.  It's a five-day holiday.  :-)

The kids are lazing around, playing games on their DS'es.  Unfortunately the weather is far from ideal, but at least it's not the torrential rain they predicted earlier this week.  I'm baking - I have no less than two bread doughs going.  One sourdough wholegrain to bake tonight, one with a little yeast (but also sourdough) and spelt flour - which is ready to knead shape into lovely loaves any moment.  And I've a box of ground liver and meat I took out of the freezer last night, waiting to be transformed to scrumptious paté.  Om nom nom.  Our bass friend has come for a short visit too, popping over from London yesterday - to attend an audition at the Opera tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!
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