FIC: All the Rest (1/3)

Jun 26, 2011 03:46

Title: All the Rest (1/3)
Author: amaltheaz
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn
Spoilers: Future-AU.
Rating: NC-17 (it's basically PWP)
Length: 1,236 words
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, or anybody in Glee. And this is not used for profit.
Author's Note: This is just me having a little fun to shake off whatever creative block that I've got right now. Dedicated to my girl who inspired me to write this, <33. I'm a little tired so the proofreading might be a bit lacking but I'll come back to fix it if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes, :).
Title comes from this quote: “My eyes and groin are permanently swollen, I’m alternatingly brilliant and witless -and sleepless: bed is just a swamp to roll in. Although I’d cream my jeans touching your breast, sweetheart, it isn’t lust; it’s all the rest of what I want with you that scares me shitless.” (Marilyn Hacker)

All the Rest

Chapter One
Quinn walked out of the bathroom, freshly showered and wearing only a bra and a pair of jeans that she was just buttoning up when she halted in her stride, only to smile adoringly at the scene before her. Rachel was still sleeping in their bed, sans clothing and lying face down, one arm reaching out for where Quinn would usually have been and one tanned leg practically dangling over the edge of the mattress. The blonde was sure that if she let Rachel sleep in for any longer, the diva might actually fall off the bed.

She carried Rachel’s leg up, placing it on the bed before going to sit by her thighs, tenderly brushing her fingers through silky chestnut locks, hoping to gently rouse the sleeping brunette. When she felt the petite form beginning to stir, Quinn bent her head down, softly pressing her lips to the smooth skin of Rachel’s back.

She didn’t stop when she heard Rachel’s content sigh, but instead went on to kiss a path up her spine until she placed one last kiss on Rachel’s shoulder, murmuring quietly in the brunette’s ear, “Rach? We’re going to be late if you don’t start getting ready now.” Quinn laid down behind the diva, propping her head up with one hand while the other went to rest on Rachel’s hip, her fingers lightly tracing circles.

Rachel groaned, adamantly shaking her head to completely reject the horrific idea of waking up and getting out of bed, even though her body was unconsciously leaning back into the blonde’s form, drawn in completely by her warmth and completely oblivious to her girlfriend’s charmingly crooked grin at her behaviour. She earned a hearty giggle out of the blonde when she decided to bury her head under her pillow, whining petulantly, “No. Wake up bad. Sleep good.”

“Santana’s going to kick my ass if we don’t get there soon.”

This only succeeded in getting Rachel to lift her head out of her hiding place and lay back onto her pillow as she reached out to drape her arm over Quinn’s waist, pulling her girlfriend closer as her hand went to rest just at the waistband of the blonde’s jeans, tugging at the belt-loop with her finger. “Don’t worry baby. I’ll kick her ass if she does that,” she mumbled reassuringly with her eyes still closed and from what Quinn could see, an adorable smirk on her lips.

She had had a late night of rehearsals and then she came back home to Quinn who was just… insatiable last night after an apparently good day at work. Not that Rachel was complaining, of course. She loved it when her girlfriend was hungry for her; she always seemed so much more passionate than usual and was always so much more… driven on getting Rachel off than herself. The brunette had lost count after six. Plus, it was Sunday the next day and she honestly had forgotten that they were supposed to meet Santana for breakfast.

Quinn shook her head, rolling her eyes at her girlfriend’s fearless statement though she knew that Rachel would never actually do it. Since she and Santana had come to some sort of shaky agreement to be less hostile towards each other (Santana more so than Rachel), the two had somehow become the best of friends. Even though Santana was still prone to threatening the shorter brunette to stuff her in a laundry machine just to keep her quiet.

Old habits die hard.

“Yeah, because that will totally end well,” she dryly remarked. “Rach?” she called out when the brunette had gone silent and she very nearly assumed that Rachel had just gone back to sleep when the diva flipped her body around to face hers. Hazel eyes automatically lowered to the top swells of Rachel’s breasts, not even trying to hide her leering from her girlfriend. There was no point in doing so anyway as Quinn had a habit of perving over her beyond-hot girlfriend whenever an opportunity showed itself. She did lament though that she couldn’t actually see the full, exquisite curves of the brunette’s gorgeous breasts as they were half-covered by the thick duvet.

But the view she currently had was still pretty good.

Despite being half-awake, Rachel lazily smirked; knowing exactly where her girlfriend’s attention had disappeared to and she decided to take full advantage of it. She very slowly moved forward until her breasts were pushed up against the blonde, very nearly letting out a low chuckle at the blonde taking a deep, sharp breath.

Rachel waited until hazel eyes finally attempted to move up when she pouted her bottom lip. Yes, she was pulling out all the stops and using all of her girlfriend’s weaknesses against her and she was not ashamed of it. She was more than tired and she would do anything to get her precious hours of sleep. “Quinn, can’t we just skip today? Please?”

Quinn whimpered faintly, surrendering to her girlfriend’s cruel teasing. She willed herself to look up, only to meet the shady twinkling of smug victory in Rachel’s dark brown eyes and she pouted in her defeat. “Y’know, there was no need to tease me like that.” She sighed when she was only met with an unapologetic grin and she closed her eyes, willing herself to not look at Rachel’s perfect breasts or her delicious lips or her alluring eyes. Quinn was fighting to remember the reason why she wanted to wake the diva up in the first place when she felt her phone vibrating in the pocket of her jeans and the sound of a different brunette's message tone reached her ears.

Right. Santana.

She quickly grabbed her phone from out her pocket, grateful for the distraction though she rolled her eyes at the threatening message from their friend to “get their asses to Breadsticks or they were going to find out whether she really did carry razors in her hair”. Quinn sneaked a glance over at her girlfriend and saw that while Rachel had thankfully (though also, sadly) completely covered herself up, she kept the sad pout on her lips. The blonde just knew that there was no way she’d make the diva go now. It just seemed cruel to do so.

After she was done typing out a reply and pressed Send, she placed her phone down on the bedside table before turning to be faced with Rachel's smooth back. It was clear that her girlfriend wanted to be held, so Quinn slid one arm under a pillow while her other arm went over Rachel's waist, reaching down to tangle their fingers together and rest their hands up between the diva's breasts. The blonde smiled when she felt Rachel's strong heart-beat against her hand as she nuzzled her nose into wavy chestnut locks, letting that familiar scent fill her lungs and the feeling of home settling in her chest. “By the way, you’re going to have to think of something to make it up to Santana since we’re making her pay for her own breakfast,” she murmured softly, hearing a soft hum that indicated that Rachel agreed. “It’s so not going to be pretty when we see her.”

“Love you, Quinn,” the diva only mumbled in reply, too content to think about Santana while she was being held by the love of her life.

Quinn tightened her arm around her little diva, trying to shift as close as she could to her. “Love you too, my beautiful girl,” she softly whispered in reply as she kissed a tanned shoulder. “Sweet dreams, Rachel.”


fic: all the rest, pairing: rachel/quinn, glee

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