So, I have like a millionty things I should post about. However, I wanted to make sure people know that Ye Olde Original Pornbattle is happening, Sunday through Thursday of this coming week. You can follow it
here on LJ or
here on DW; hint, the DW character count for a comment is much, much longer than on LJ, so you can fit longer stories into comments.
(Among my nefarious reasons for promoting this is that I kind of want there to be energy to run another round of xf_pornbattle at some point in the future. Because I'm, you know, Like That.)
Although prompts just closed, therefore the list isn't up, in the interest of nudging folks onward I've compiled all the posts with X-Files prompts. There's a lot of MSR, some other ships, and a ton of crossovers, most of which, interestingly enough, seem to be Scullyslash of various types.
here, and
here Dogget/Reyes:
here and
here Mulder/Krycek
here and
here Mulder/X Crossovers of various sorts:
Supernatural/XFFringe/XFFringe/XFBandom/XF Fringe/XF, Fringe/XF/V V/XF Buffy/XF Sherlock Holmes 2009/XF I'm really excited to see so many XF prompts, especially since it seems like are so few active (and especially monofannish) XF fans these days. But, you know, ur-fandom of the internet, yadda yadda yadda, we will always be in everyone's hearts, blah blah blah, our protagonists are the sexiest characters in the history of television, you know what I mean. Go write some porn.
(And I'm mentally committing to myself that I'll do everything in my power to write something for this round. Even though I'm on vacation with my in-laws, which, in case you were curious, is not so conducive to pornifying. The goal is at least something MSR, and, then maybe a crossover if I can manage it. I thought I'd gotten all my porn-writing fix out of the way during xf_santa. I'm denying that instinct.)
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