Ladies' Big Bang: Be Complimentary!

Aug 02, 2010 23:54

So, I have discussed my love for Ladies' Big Bang before: a pan-fandom, womancentric, multimedia big bang, with fic, meta, mixes, icons, art, podfics, and every sort of fannish work available for doing both as a primary fanwork and as a compliment. Well, a total of 19 projects (including mine) met the deadlines to be eligible for a compliment, and they look pretty cool. I'm slightly disappointed that such a high percentage are fic (15/19), but, well, I suppose we're used to that. But there are some really cool fic projects (GRAY'S ANATOMY/BUFFY CROSSOVER POLY FEMSLASH PORN, Y/MFY), and some nifty things in other media.

Anyone can sign up to be a complimenter. And I'd mention that making recs lists counts as a compliment, and that, say, my meta(s) would do nicely paired with recs lists.

Or hilarious crackfic about the mystical hair salon where all my favorite characters get their hair dyed the same color. I'm just sayin'.

(I should also remind you all that the deadline for the X-Files Big Bang is fast approaching. And that my punk ass probably cannot write fast enough to meet it (*shakes fist at that damn book*), but that you should!)

ladies big bang, big bang, because mommy amal told you to, dreamwidth

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