I'm having a deeply negative day, so I'm making a list of things that I feel positively about, to make me feel better. We'll see if it works.
I ship it like burning. In fact, I'm listening to my mixtape-in-progress about how much I ship it right now. (Hollywood and Beach Chair off Kingdom Come, and Deja Vu and Upgrade U off B-Day, if you're curious. Yes, I know she's not credited as being in Beach Chair, but the one line she has ("are you happy, Hov?") is really important to the song's arc.)
2. The weather broke, thank fucking God. It's been over 80 every day for a week. I don't have house-wide air conditioning, and we don't get very good airflow, which means my house has been at least 90. We ran the room AC a few days, but turns out that Isk hates air conditioning. Like, yells NO NOOOOOOO when we turn it on and applauds when we turn it off. It also threatened to rain for like three days, but somehow the cold front arrived without the rain. Now it's in the 70s, and was cool enough last night that we were able to open the bedroom windows and turn off the fan. It was lovely. If this could just stick around for a few days, I would feel so much more human
Feminist Hulk interviewed by Ms. Magazine. There is nothing wrong with Feminist Hulk, ever. I made a LJ rss feed for him, if you want to read it.
4. My garden! The backyard cat only killed most of the tomato seedlings I planted, and the ones in the pot are growing well. The tomato plant I bought as a plant has flowers already. The kale is producing so well I've informed Leigh we'll be eating kale fried rice once a week all summer. The strawberries I think aren't getting enough light, but if we get any edible berries before the ants I count them a success. I should take photos and post them at
5. What a hilarious typist I am when I'm copying from a book. I'm going over my notes for a chapter I'm writing, and the typos in my EndNote sources are amazing. I'll add whole new word-endings. I just caught "generates" rendered as "generations." And "unfdamentlaism" for "fundamentalism." At least I can usually piece together the original quote.
Er, and then I walked away from the computer for a bunch of hours. Added to the list:
6. A perfect trip to Ikea with the family. Isk liked the escalator best; he said WOAH every time he took a step on it, and applauded when I picked him up to get him off at the end. He is now the proud owner of a set of four little pans and some kitchen implements of his very own.
7. Local organic strawberries. I do not care that they were $5 a quart. They are delicious, and Isk ate them leaves and all while we were checking out at the store.
8. That we made friends with the next door neighbors after living here for five years. Because the little girl (3 ish?) keeps saying "HI BABY!" to Isk, despite her mother's prodding to remember his name. Not only is this awesome in general but: they have a pool.
9. Janelle Monae. I have grown very, very addicted to her music via YouTube lately, and was sad that I didn't have the money to buy her album, because it is awesome. I was going to try to save up and buy it later in the month, but then I found out both that my dad and Isa bought it after listening to my hand-waving about its awesomeness. So I feel quite pleased with myself, and am now listening to Isa's copy.
Seriously, dudes. Watch these videos. You'll be hooked.
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I want every pair of shoes she wears in those videos.
I'm not sure I feel better. But it's a start.