xf_is_love. Posting has started, and there's some great stuff up there.
wendelah1 wrote a wonderful story about little Jeffery Spender, which happens to have an absolutely perfect last paragraph;
bayloriffic wrote a lovely Rain King one-bed fic, which, as you may or may not know, is so my kink-of-the-moment. And
maidenjedi has a solid and compelling Diana fic that is a The End post-ep but really runs through FTF. I haven't read
ruuger's Doggett/Reyes fic yet, but it's probably worth a look. And none of these fics have anywhere near as much feedback as they deserve. Get thee hence! Go read some fic!
2. At DW, there's the
Femmeslash Kink Meme, which is up to 25 pages of prompts and a whole bunch of fills. I don't read a lot of femmeslash--at least in part because I don't have that many femmeslash ships, and it's really the shipping that drives my interest in reading porn. But there's some good stuff over there: a bunch of Fringe (incuding a TON of Olivia/Alt!Olivia, which is freaking me out in a very good way), some Firefly and Buffy, some Glee, and a bunch of stuff in other fandoms I don't know as well.
But! More to the point! There are these prompts:
The X-Files: Scully/Reyes, tears The X-Files: Scully/Samantha, au, suits and ties, alien sex probe, no chan Can I just say, I ship Scully/Samantha like burning? The AU version, where Fox is the abductee* and Samantha is the FBI agent? In which there is still epic UST and desk sex? I don't know if I'm going to get time to fill this, but someone really should. Really really.
*(Though, because Fox Mulder is that damn hot, this inevitably leads to thoughts of how Scully's going to eventually have to have sex with her girlfriend's brother's clone. Which...actually, no, I'm not ashamed of at all.)
And, because I know a bunch of you swing this way:
BSG: Roslin/anyone, 100 things to do before you die. Prompts close June 4 at midnight EST; fills go through June 20th. Go read/write some porn, y'all.