Being famous on the internet is awesome.

Nov 17, 2009 20:09

1. Dear Sweet Jesus, why did I not remember to put this song on the MoF mixtape?

image Click to view

Fencing off my little piece of heaven
Polishing up my AK-47

The worst part is, it was actually a part of my thought process for writing. True story: in the original head!draft of MoF, there was some kind of weapon distribution scene, which Mulder was organizing; when Casey got handed her giant alien-blasting object, she whistled and said, "Happy birthday, Tricia," and Mulder responded with "Goes with your apparel." Ha ha, I am funny.

If you can't tell, the head!draft was a lot crackier than anything I'm willing to let onto paper. There was a scene with Scully, Monica, and Casey talking about Buffy. I'm not kidding. It also included a longer period where Casey wasn't a source of worry, and more non-conflictual interactions between her and both Mulder and Scully. (The soy ice cream Easter egg from the bedroom scene originally came in another context, too, but that one was too good, I had to work it in.)

I should write down a list of all the Casey hints, before I forget them.

2. Because I am a giant egomaniac, this page makes me deleriously happy. An entire page of people using spoiler bars to talk about my stupid internet novel. (And then a TWoP Mod has to step in and impose discipline. Awesome.) EPIC WIN.

3. Anyway, I'm thinking enough of my flist has read MoF by now, so I can post this poll. I'm going to write more in this universe, but I'm looking to gauge interest in what sorts of things other people would be interested in reading--because, you know, I'm happy to keep things in my head.

The poll below the cut is spoilery for the entire fic, so don't click through if you haven't finished. (I think you could go right to comments if you wanted to, though, without seeing the poll; but there'll be spoilers in comments.) In addition, if you have specific prompts, put them in comments; no promises, but I'm interested in other ideas. The presence of something on this poll means I've at least contemplated writing it; my responses (if you click through) indicate things I'm already actively working on.

Poll Things Amal Might Write

If you'd be interested in beta-ing pieces from this universe, let me know, so I don't bug people who aren't interested.

I forgot a poll answer: "Scully-Mulder/Van de Kamp Family Togetherness." Votes for that should go in comments, plz.

ETA Again: Guys, you are really pro-ponies.

caseyverse, music, mof, writing meta, egomania

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