I don't often make recs, mainly because I feel like my taste is so subjective--what I like about a story isn't often something that I'm sure will communicate, and I'm willing to tolerate poor writing that hits my narrative kinks, or that does something interesting. (See, for example, my affection for Rachel Anton.) But I keep mulling over a story
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since Pru was so secretive, people thought she might be a man, or she might be a publishing author.
See, I'm not sure why "publishing author" would mean you have to hide--just get a fake email address! Not hard, even in the (later, at least) 90s! But, you know, I could see the man thing, somehow. Interesting to know what the talk was.
I think playing with the sexual/reproductive narrative in XF is one of the best things one can do--because it is there, but canon keeps forgetting it's there, so there's a lot to be done with it. Anyway, it's territory I keep coming back to myself, so I'm sympathetic to Pru's obsession.
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