I don't often make recs, mainly because I feel like my taste is so subjective--what I like about a story isn't often something that I'm sure will communicate, and I'm willing to tolerate poor writing that hits my narrative kinks, or that does something interesting. (See, for example, my affection for Rachel Anton.) But I keep mulling over a story
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Should I start saving fic to my hard drive? I only know peripherally about the Geocities thing.
I love how personal fandoms evaluations can be. Well, not always, but I like how being a good community member is so *necessary.*
The deal, as I understand it, is that all geocities sites will be summarily deleted at some point in the not-to-distant future, so anything that's only available on geocities will disappear into the ether unless it's moved. Pru isn't on Gossamer, which means it'll go away. (Not all of OneMillionAndNine's stuff is either, for example. And Adrienne's site after she deleted her journal is geocities, though it may all be on Gossamer.) So, I'm saving things I like that are by geocities-only authors, like Pru and OneMillion. It's weird, because I've never saved a thing before, and it seems like having it on MY HARDDRIVE takes away from the communal nature of fic--I can't link to it if I have it on my hard drive!--but I'd hate not to be able to have it around to read.
Thanks for the geocities info. I have a couple of fics saved just for ease of access if I'm not near the interwebs, such as Aphrodesia and Iolokus, but I'll have to check my bookmarks with an eye to saving to my hard drive. Crap.
it seems like having it on MY HARDDRIVE takes away from the communal nature of fic--I can't link to it if I have it on my hard drive!--but I'd hate not to be able to have it around to read. Agreed. This is gonna suck.
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